However, something happened that I didn't expect when I was sorting through all my kids clothes for a Mom2Mom Sale...
I used to be pretty good about going through the kids clothes on a regular basis, and sorting them. Well, they each have their own bin of clothes I wanted to keep (ya know, in case I have another one!) Except, I opened the bins and thought 'Why do I really need to keep all this? It's just taking up space and is going to just sit here...might as well let someone else enjoy it.' So first I went through my son's bin and kept a few items and sorted the rest to sell.
What I didn't expect was the emotion of going through my daughter's bin. Most of my son's clothes were passed down, so it didn't have much sentimental value. But my daughters: I remember when and where I bought outfits while I was pregnant or who got it for us as a the emotions of a first time pregnancy. I felt the tinge with some of my son's stuff, but it really hit me with Faith's stuff. And realizing that I probably am done having kids made it a little harder. I decided to let Faith keep her little premie outfits for her dolls, and I set aside all their firsts: first church outfit, the first day home outfit, first christmas, etc. I'm not one to keep things, and I'm not a pack rat by any means, but I couldn't part with these things. Her little hospital hats especially choked me up, cause they were so tiny and we kept them on her for awhile from her bruising after they tried to suction her. And Caleb's first baby shoes - I can't believe he was EVER tiny!
There I was, in the middle of my basement, surrounded by baby clothes, sobbing like a fool. I'll never have little babies like that again.
What about some of you? Please tell me I'm not the only who gets emotional about their kids growing up. Have you ever had an unexpected emotion from discovering something from your child's infanthood?

Oh seriously? My little Peanut is only 19 months old and I already cry at how little she used to be. And how I don't want her to grow up, and how I can't imagine her moving out and going to college...
I hear you, my friend. And I thought it would get easier... :)
I don't blame you at all. I know I will be like that. I also think it's great to keep a few things - they will appreciate it when they are older. My mom kept my outfit that I wore home from the hospital and I now have it so if I have a girl, I will be able to bring her home in the same outfit.
Not a mom here so I can't relate but hubs made me get rid of a lot of MY stuff when he moved in which made me very sad.
Everyday girl actually!
I felt the same way going through my bins of baby stuff!
I did however find it easier to do when you were mad at your kids for something...ya know where you say "wow I could never have more kids, you guys are a handful" days!
My oldest will be 6 next month! 6! That is like a teenager to me!
Oh I get so emotionally attached to stuff, too. I might never go through it, read it, wear it or use it, but there are just some things that are too hard to part with!
My best friend and I were talking about this very subject recently. She said she couldn't even watch old videos that she had of her kids as babies without crying like a newborn.
You are not alone. After the earthquake in Haiti I kept trying to convince my husband that I need to go there are not leave until I could take an armload of babies with me. Try to think positive, some day you will have grand babies and you can pass them back to the parents when they have dirty diapers!
My oldest is going to be 13. She is going to the mall with a friend tomorrow. She is also 5'5". My little middle(also a preemie) is showing signs of becoming a preteen. My son is 4 and people think he is closer to 6. *sigh* It is very hard to believe they were ever tiny. And it does tug our heart strings to think on those days of tiny infant, and first steps.
Yes. I do this. My husband, too. 6 and 9 years later. And it goes beyond clothes.
He can't get rid of the rocking chair that we sat in pulling all nighters with our sons. It breaks him up just thinking about it.
I can't get rid of the formica kitchen table. It where I used my breast pump for the first time. I was terrified and shaking!!!
So what if we keep the stuff. It's really wonderful to reflect on our babies' lives and our lives as new parents.
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