I know, I know...it's Thursday. For some reason, Wednesdays are hard for me to blog, as it's usually a busy day. I should really change the title.
I haven't update about my weight loss journey in awhile, because frankly, I've been quite depressed and frustrated about it. I'm not really gaining any weight (I fluctuate between a few pounds) but I'm not losing any more. I still have a long ways to go, so this is irritating. I'm not an unhealthy person, but my exercise routine has slowed way down. I was loving The Shred workout but I wasn't losing weight. I would still do it just for maintaining an exercise routine, but right now, getting up at 5:30 to work out just doesn't fly with my busy schedule...I'm too tired. So, I'll revisit this in 4 weeks when school is out. I would love to get out and run now that the weather is getting nicer...but I can't with kids. I have no equipment at home and can't afford a treadmill which is what i'd really love.
But these are just excuses. NO EXCUSES. I need to stop making excuses and remember what it felt like to look in the mirror that day in August. ICK. I won't go back to that, EVER.
Here's the good news:
Yesterday, I stopped at Victoria's Secret Outlet to look around and they were having an incredible sale....ALL their clothing $5 or less! This included ALL their VS Sportswear! I got a $64 zip up for $5!!! Yoga pants, t-shirts, I got WAY excited, cause I love their sports line. I added up the original prices....I got $250 worth of stuff for $43.00!!! Seriously, I was giddy. And it made me want to get out and exercise!!!
Wait, it gets better...
I was whining to the hubs last night about how much I miss my membership. He told me he was already wanting to add it back on (we get a discount through his work and it comes directly out of his check) for me, cause he knew how much I miss it. So, he did as an early Mother's Day gift to me!!! WOO HOO
It has totally given me another boost of motivation! I went grocery shopping, bought tons of healthy and yummy food for the week, and I can start back to the gym on Saturday! Can't wait to work up a great sweat!
I'll try to check back in next week....wish me luck!