I know some of you already know, and I haven't had a SECOND of free time to blog about it, but I'M ENGAGED!!! Steve proposed to me Friday afternoon (3/16/12) and boy was I surprised! It's not easy to surprise this girl, so kutos to Steve for pulling it off. And he had everyone involved. And I've been promising to write about this AMAZING engagement story.
I was going about my random day...doo duh doo...trying to figure out a shopping trip with out-of-town friends and getting ready for my day when my best friend Sarah calls me to tell me that her car broke down out where she had a photo shoot that morning and asked if I could come pick her up. So off I went, completely clueless, to go pick her up at Stony Creek Metro Park.
When I pulled up and saw Sarah, she asked me to park and get out cause she wanted to show me something. I thought it was weird and I started getting suspicious. (at this point, I thought Steve was on his way to Michigan in a few hours, not knowing he had been there already) Then I saw a rose on Sarah's car and I knew. She gave me rose, grabbed my arm and started walking. She said "You know how much I love you, right?" "Of course I do." "Good, as long as you know." That's all we could exchange. We walked a 2 mile path - yes, crazy long! But every 200 yards
or so I was met with another rose being held by some of the most
important people in my life: First, my sweet friend Dalaina and her husband Byron, whose friendship grew out of Jeremy's death and our ability to connect of very deep levels about life and love. She's one of my sweetest friends, but also a woman I strive to be more like. As Sarah handed me off to them, they started walking me down the path, telling me what I meant to them. Tears were starting to come as I started to realize what was entailed in this 2 mile walk.
Next I met Sarah's parents, who have taken me in as their own, helped me with the kids, supported me, donated their time and advice, and have loved me and my kids a ridiculous amount.
After that came Chris and Kristan: these two have shared so much history with me, children being born together (their daughter Tori was born the same day as Carter), and so many memories. They have loved me, laughed with me, challenged me, and taught me about life.
Next was John and Bekka - these two stepped up and took care of me and my family when Jeremy died and have become some of my best friends because of it. They were the people I called on when I needed something, and I always knew they'd be there. They are some of the most self-sacrificing people I know.
Next on the list was Adam and his sweet wife, Kelly: Adam is Steve's best friend since childhood, but he is also my minister. No, not just my minister, but a dear friend of Jeremy's who stood up to speak at his funeral, who came to my house to comfort me, who sat with us in the hospital as we watched my brother die, and did his funeral as well....Adam has blessed my life in ways he probably doesn't even know. And he's one of my favorite people.
After that came Steve's parents, who drove up all the way from Indiana early in the morning to come support Steve and I and to tell me that they loved me. It meant so much to see them there and to hug them and to know that I will once again marry into a great family.
Next was Jodie. Jodie who without batting an eye, took care of every detail from the second Jeremy died without letting me know about any of it. She is the woman I go to for sound advice, for creative inspiration - I'm pretty sure Jodie knows something about everything! God placed her in my life with such purpose and to have her there was very special.
After Jodie came Chris and Vicki. These two were one of the couples that Jeremy and I spent a lot of time with, and who have continued to stick by me through my hardest days. They are good friends with Steve and currently live in the same town as him, so I know they will continue to be a couple that we spend a lot of time with.
Next came my family. My mom, brother Matt, and his girlfriend Kalee (my dad had to work) - they hugged me and told me how happy they were for me and filled up my heart to know they took the time to be there for this special day.
And finally, stood Jeremy's mom and sister April. When I saw them from a distance, my knees got weak. I couldn't believe they were there - not because they're not happy for me, but because I know what it takes to go through grief and still support me in a new relationship. Their presence meant so much to me, and to know Steve took the time to ask them to be there just made me cry uncontrollably.
All these wonderful people, who are not only important to me, but who stand beside me in my relationship and support my happiness, even if it means facing grief they haven't dealt with yet. They each spoke to me, telling me why they loved me and some even wrote letters, but their presence said more than their words ever could. I continued to sob as Sarah met up with me on the path again and walked me down the final piece of it where I met the sweetest, most precious sight: Steve all dressed up, sweating in the unexpected hot weather, nervous and so handsome waiting for me. It is a vision that is very clearly burned into my mind as one of those snapshots I will take with me for the rest of my life.
Through all that had just happened, I don't even remember what he said to me. I don't even think I officially said yes. All I remember is him getting down on one knee. This man that loves me for all that comes with me, accepts and
encourages my still very strong love for my dead husband, loves my
children, loves God, and whose character makes me want to be better.
This man who grabbed my heart very quickly and who has very carefully
held all the broken pieces of it and continues to help me put it back
together. But also a man I cherish for all he comes with, for all he's
been through, and for all he has become because of it. This man whose
daughters have taken over my heart.
Our engagement will be a very short one. But I'm so thankful our stories have come together in such a way that it can only be a testament to God's grace and love. I'm thankful to have found someone Jeremy would approve of (he and Steve were friends, in fact) and who has proven to be someone I can't wait to share life with. I feel very blessed to have found two such men in my lifetime.
Oh yea, I can't forget to show you this AMAZING ring I got out of it too!
(I wrote about it on Widow's Voice as well, if ya wanna check it out)

I don't know if I've ever written, but I've followed your blog for quite some time, since before Jeremy died. I wept when I read about Jeremy's mom and sister being a part of your engagement day--so beautiful. I'm very happy for you and wish you nothing but the best; you are lucky to have found great love twice in yor life.
For some reason, when I saw you had a new post I said silently to myself "I bet she is engaged!!" I am SO happy for you, your story made me tear up. How sweet and thoughtful. Best wishes, and what a stunning ring!
Vee-I have never commented but have been reading since Jeremy passed. I never knew what to say before...I just couldn't come up with the right words to express how very sorry I was for what you've been through.
This story is beautiful. I am so happy for you and your family. Congratulations!
Congratulations!!! I wish you all the love and happiness in the world as you begin this journey. May God continue to bless you and your family.
Much love from Canada
What a beautiful story! With a proposal like that I don't think that anyone could say no. It is so amazing that he supports you in every aspect of life. And that you have all of those friends who love and support you too. I wish you nothing but love and happiness in your life. Congratulations! Enjoy every second!
Wow, wow, wow...what a beautiful story! As I read it, I was happy to read about each person along the path, but naturally, when I got to the part where Jeremy's mom and sister were, I cried, A LOT! :) Grant it, I don't know you or your family, but your story has touched my heart beyond words since the day I read it, and I pray for you daily! :) I am SO happy that you found Steve (and that he found you! ;) I am so glad that Jeremy's family was there to support you and show you love. I'd imagine that was beyond meaningful for you (and Steve!) Prayers to you and your family for an amazing future and all God has in store for you in this new chapter! :)
Oh, and BEAUTIFUL ring! ;)
What a PRECIOUS way to propose. God is good. Congraulations! I am so happy for you!
Vee, I am so happy for you and the kids. You have dealt with more heartache in the past 16 months than most people deal with in a lifetime, yet in the midst of it all you never gave up (although I am sure there were times you wanted to) God is good & I believe he has big plans for you, probably with a little help from Jeremy. Congratulations, you deserve every bit of happiness that is in store for you
Vee, I am so happy for you and the kids. You have dealt with more heartache in the past 16 months than most people deal with in a lifetime, yet in the midst of it all you never gave up (although I am sure there were times you wanted to) God is good & I believe he has big plans for you, probably with a little help from Jeremy. Congratulations, you deserve every bit of happiness that is in store for you
Congratulations. That is very exciting news. I think I looked a little silly crying at my desk at 8:30 in the morning, but I couldn't help myself-it was such a touching story. May God bless you in this journey together.
Such a beautiful story! Even though I don't know you well, I couldn't help but cry and celebrate! Congratulations!
I am sobbing! What a sweet, sweet story. I wish I really knew you in real life so I could squeeze you. Your story is such proof that God is still good - even through the darkest nights. Nope - your story is proof that there IS a God whose love and mercy are never-ending and indescribable.
I just wanted to tell you congratulations. I have been reading your blog since right after your husband's passing and to see you go from where you were then to where you are now is amazing. I am glad you have found happiness again!
I have been reading your blog for a while now, since Jeremy died I think and while I have never commented (I don't think) I am so happy that you have found love and happiness again. Congratulations!!! Oh and your ring is so incredibly GORGEOUS!!!!
Oh, and also, that is an AMAZING proposal story. I cried just reading about it!
I have just read your blog. There are tears coming down my cheeks. I am so happy for you. I praise God for all that he is doing in your lfe now. George Luenberger
Oh my goodness Veronica my eyes are full of happy tears for you!! Congratulations countless times!! Congratulations!! God Bless you.
Wow, congratulations, Vee! What an incredibly thoughtful and special proposal! I am so incredibly happy for you and Steve and your families.
What an amazing story. Steve sounds like he is great for you, your kids, for your soul.
Wishing you much happiness!
Can't wait to hear about your Wedding and see more pictures :)
Congrats! I am so happy for you and your beautiful kids! What a blessing. The story brought tears to my eyes. Everyone deserves happiness.
Awesome! congratulations to you all! You deserve this happiness.
I have been following you and your family for a while know, are you have constant on my prayer list. I am so HAPPY for you and wish you and Steve the best. God is good.
Congratulations! I'm so happy for you & your family. What a very sweet, thoughtful way to propose.
oh, wow! You have me in tears! what an amazing engagment!!!! Congrats to you! Beautiful ring too!
oh, wow! You have me in tears! what an amazing engagment!!!! Congrats to you! Beautiful ring too!
oh, wow! You have me in tears! what an amazing engagment!!!! Congrats to you! Beautiful ring too!
oh, wow! You have me in tears! what an amazing engagment!!!! Congrats to you! Beautiful ring too!
When you know - you know. Great news!
I've been following your story since the beginning of this long hard road you've been on. I am so happy for you! I can't think of anyone more deserving of such a beautiful proposal.
I have been following your blog for a long time now. I have cried so many tears for you and have prayed countles prayers for you and your family...and now...to hear this- What an amazing blessing! I am beyond excited for you and your kids! I am simply amazed at God's faithfulness!
Thank your for being such a blessing!
You are so loved!!
P.S. Sweet ROCK!! :)
Oh my goodness... I'm crying. This was awesome. I'm so happy for you and Steve. Congratulations, and the best to you and your family!
Yeah.. I shouldn't have read this at work. Beautiful story. I am so very happy for you and it's been an incredible year and a half reading about your journey, your pain, your healing and your strength.
- agata.
Congratulations to all!!! Happy to have followed you on this journey! All the best!
I've been following your blog since your tragedy and I am so incredibly happy that you found happiness. Congratulation.
I am in tears from this as well! That is just amazing and Gods love just surrounds you! I pray every day I find a love that great yet you have found it twice! God bless you and I pray your blended family lives a long and happy life together.
I cried while reading this. My friend got me onto your blog shortly after your husband died and then your brother. She told me a week or so ago that you got engaged and I knew your trust in God was strong! You are such an inspiration. God bless your new family!
Congratulations! I've been reading for a long time after a friend emailed me your blog asking me to pray for you. I pray for you often even though I don't know you. This is just beautiful and truely a grace by God. Congrats!
I'm reading this beautiful post with tears in my eyes. I'm so happy for you and what a beautiful ring! Congrats to you and Steve and your blended family. Precious and priceless. All the best to all of you together!
Hello, i've followed your blog for some time now and your story brought me to tears. Tears of happiness of course. I'm so happy God placed this man in your life, and even though I don't know you nor have I ever met Jeremy I know that he is in heaven happy for you and Steve and for all the support your dear friends and family have given to you. I wish you nothing but love and happiness. You deserve it <3
That is such a beautiful engagement story. I am so incredibly happy for you and kind-heartedly a little jealous too! You definitely deserve all the joy coming your way...he did great on the ring!
Vee, what an awesome story! I'm not sure how I found your blog today, but I'm glad I did. :)
Your testimony is so powerful... thank you for sharing it! A huge congratulations to you and Steve, and your kids. I'm praying extra blessings be poured out on you as you move into a new phase of life and love.
Wow!!!! Such an amazingly beautiful, well thought out plan!!! You've got yourself a real gem. So happy for you!!
As I was reading your story, as soon as I saw where it was going, I wondered if Jeremy's family would be there. What a testimony of Steve's love for you, your in-laws love for you, and Jeremy's love for you. Very sweet day.
That ring is STUNNING! And that story, unbelievable. What an aamzing, amazing engagement. I can't even imagine the emotions as you got to see each of those wonderful people in our life, showing their love and excitement for you. You are truly blessed to have found someone (well 2 someones, like you said) so wonderful that clearly love you. So happy for you and for your kids. CONGRATS!
I have followed your story from the beginning. I have cried with you, prayed with you, and now I celebrate with you! Words can't describe the happiness I feel for all of you. You are such a lucky gal to have found an amazing man, not just once, but twice.
Best wishes-
A long time reader in NY
I saw on IG about the big news! CONGRATS!
I have teras in my eyes...so happy for you!
whens the big days?
What an amazing proposal. Congrats! I'm constantly amazed at the path life takes... I may be teary :)
Veronica, you are truely blessed to have. The friends, family and future husband you do. Now if the tears could let up :) im so happy for you
OMG OMG I knew it as soon as I saw a post from you in G reader hahaha! Congratulations, I am so happy for you all!
What an amazing propsal! Congrats!
Congratulations to you and your hubby to be!! Your story is beautiful! It reminds me of my Dad and his new wife. She was the matron of honor in my mom and dad's wedding in 1980. She lost her husband to cancer, then almost 2 years later my mom passed away after a long battle with muscular dystrophy. They helped each other through their grief, then fell in love and got married this past October! It has been so cool to watch God write their story, and yours too!!
I have followed your blog since the day you lost your amazing husband Jeremy, I have cried for you and out to God on your behalf, angry at Him, yet pleading for Him to make it ok for such a beautiful woman and her children. WOW!,, Even when I doubted..(shame on me)... Our God is the Healer and insisted on showing us all that he CAN and WILL bring peace that passeth all understanding.
To Jeremy's family; God, bless them for the way they are honoring their precious son by standing by the woman he loved "fiercely". Obviously they also knew that. God bless them for the love they are showing Veronica!
I can only imagine their son in heaven shouting proudly " Thank You, Thank You"! adding in a quirky way. "ya know it was me that taught her that !.... :)"
Steve, Wow, you have big shoes to fill, yet I feel God has placed you where you need to be... And because Our God's plan is to make bad things good, buckle up.... Blessings are coming to both of your family's. May God get the glory!
Thank you Veronica for
I have followed your blog since the day you lost your amazing husband Jeremy, I have cried for you and out to God on your behalf, angry at Him, yet pleading for Him to make it ok for such a beautiful woman and her children. WOW!,, Even when I doubted..(shame on me)... Our God is the Healer and insisted on showing us all that he CAN and WILL bring peace that passeth all understanding.
To Jeremy's family; God, bless them for the way they are honoring their precious son by standing by the woman he loved "fiercely". Obviously they also knew that. God bless them for the love they are showing Veronica!
I can only imagine their son in heaven shouting proudly " Thank You, Thank You"! adding in a quirky way. "ya know it was me that taught her that !.... :)"
Steve, Wow, you have big shoes to fill, yet I feel God has placed you where you need to be... And because Our God's plan is to make bad things good, buckle up.... Blessings are coming to both of your family's. May God get the glory!
Thank you Veronica for
I just read your blog and have so some many happy tears running down my face. I have been praying for a long time that God would place the right man in your life for you and your beautiful children...and He did! What an amazing proposal. You so deserve to love again, and to be loved. I know Jeremy has a big smile on his face:-) Congratulations to all of you. Teresa Fackiner (Erynn Rooneys mom)
I'm sitting at my desk at work reading this and crying my eyes out. I'm so happy that Jeremy's family was able to be there to support you and show you how much they love you. What a great thing! God bless you and your new adventures! best of luck!
OH MY GOODNESS what wonderful news! What a beautiful story, Steve is a gift from God for sure! I am SO excited for you and Steve. May God continue to bless both of you and your children, I wish you a lifetime of happiness and joy!
I'm crying tears of joy! SO happy for you and your beautiful family! xo
So happy for your Vee!!! Can't wait to hear all the wedding deatils. *Hugs and prayers!*
I am so happy for you, Veronica!! I went to school with you and Jeremy, we bowled together in bowling class my freshman year :) I remember hearing the news that Jeremy had died and I remember the sorrow I felt for you and your precious babies. I have since been keeping up with your blog and praying for you to find strength, comfort, peace. To read that you are engaged to a wonderful man is excellent news! You'll continue to be in my prayers as you begin this new chapter in your life.
You need to stop making me cry!! I'm bawling!!!!!!!! Oh, sweetie!! You deserve so much happiness!! The only thing that comes to mind through my blubbering is the verse in God's word that says; "Behold I will restore tenfold to you that Satan has stole." We serve an amazing, incredible and awesome God.
Wow, what an amazing story and an amazing journey up to this point! Congratulations for all that is yet to come! God Bless.
Hi, I don't know you but I came across your blog and I have enjoyed reading it. Your faith and courage is inspirational to many people. Congratulations on your engagement!!
Emily Bennett
Wow!!! Congratulations!!!
FINALLY!!!! (Not on the engagement, but post! :)
I cried very happy tears for you. What a beautiful proposal.
I am so thankful for this man who is able to love you the way God loves you. What wonderful peace it must bring to know that Jeremy knew and appreciated him.
You are tremendously courageous and inspirational.
Happy wedding planning :).
Oh goodness, Congratulations! Such a happy story & yet here I am crying :) I will continue to be praying for you and your family in this new stage in your life.
Holy crap that's the sweetest engagement I've ever read about. Congrats to you and Steve -- you deserve all the happiness in the world.
Congratulations! What a beautiful, special story. Steve sounds like an incredible guy, and only an incredible guy would be good enough for you!
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!!!!! I am so excited for you,your family and friends. What a beautiful and thoughtful way for Steven to propose to you and the support you got from your close friends and family. As I began reading the story I just got goose bumps all over! I am so happy for you and wish you all the happiness in the world! Now onto your new journey in life! I can't wait to hear the details of your wedding! GOD BLESS YOU ALL!
Congratulations! When's the big day??
So happy for you. May God bless you as you unite your families.
Soooo happy for you Vee. Congratulations. XX
Veronica, Jer's mom was a friend of mine while she and my husband worked at GL together. I can never read your blog without crying. The only reason I'm not *sobbing* right now is because I am biting my bottom lip *very* hard so that my children don't worry when they notice the tears. I am so, so happy for you and your precious children. We serve an amazing God. I know he will continue to bring you comfort in incredible ways!
God bless you, sweetie!
WOW! I'm not one for engagement stories, but this one...this one is AMAZING!
It literally brought me goosebumps and I LOVE it!
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