Thank you everyone for submitting questions - Steve and I were both overwhelmed by the response and grateful for the opportunity to share our story. Because there were so many questions, we decided to break them up into categories. Over the next several weeks, we'll attempt to answer all of them. If they are related questions or the same question, they are bulked into the same answer. If our answers bring up more questions for you, feel free to ask. We are committed to being open and transparent so that God can work through our lives.
This week, we're answering "Where are we now" questions.
1. Where are you living? Are all the kids with you?
stated recently that you are combining houses...are you moving down there or
staying here in Michigan?
I think I remember reading that Steve lived out of state from
you. So, did you move to where he was, or did he move to you in the house you
just purchased? And, what about his job?
How did you decide where you would live, and how to blend the
families in general?
Vee: We combined houses and
are now living in my house in Rochester Hills, MI. Steve moved up from Indiana
with his girls since I had more adequate space for our large family. We’ll talk
a little bit more about how our family is blending in the ‘family questions’
section, but the short of it is that things are going really well and we’re
really happy with our new crazy, wonderful, loud, always messy, loving family.
Steve: One of my long-time best friends works at the church where
Vee attends and had been urging me to move here for quite some time. So, just over a year ago, I had applied for a
position with the church in hopes of moving to the area and getting a fresh
start in a new surrounding. As Vee and I began to talk, it was clear that
Michigan was a great place for our new family and a place that I felt God had
been calling me to for quite some time – little did I know it included a
relationship with a wonderful woman and an amazing new family!
As far as my job goes, I was sad to leave the people and co-workers
in Anderson. I had worked with many
families for a number of years, but I know that God will provide another
opportunity for me here in the Rochester Hills area, so I continue to pray that
He brings along the right job that is both fulfilling and works well for the
needs of our family.
2. Have you been working at the daycare you were at when Jeremy
was alive? If not, do you work somewhere else, or at home being a mommy?
What are you doing now? Are you a stay at home mom or are you
still teaching?
Vee: My last day at the
daycare was the day that Jeremy died. It was also my last day teaching at the
preschool. When Jer and I found out we were pregnant with Carter, we had talked
about me finishing out the school year and then taking time off so that I could
be home with him, like I was for my other two. As long as I’m able, that will
continue to be the plan. I have been blessed to be able to stay home with the
kids so far.
Has it been a difficult transition going from a small family to a much larger
one in regards to finances?
I am curious how do you financially do it with such a large
family? I stay home with my children because daycare where I live is very
expensive and with two babies in diapers, the cost would eat up my entire
paycheck. I know though the loss of your husband you had such awesome support.
Now that you’re married, how do you both blend finances?
Vee: First of all, I don’t
think I was starting with a small family! Any family that has more children
than adults, in my opinion, is a large family...and then when you have more
kids than arms to carry them in – that’s trouble! I am used to the chaos that
comes with 3 children under the age of 5 and have learned how to make that
work. That said, I imagine that our finances work just like everyone else’s.
It’s definitely tight right now, but we find ways to make it work. We joke
about how much toilet paper, paper towel, milk, and bread we go through – we’re
at the grocery store stocking up on these things the most! Since Faith now has
two older sisters, I didn’t have to worry about shopping for her much, and
Carter has clothes handed down from Caleb, so that’s helpful. We try to find
ways to cut costs and make extra income (meal planning, haircuts at home,
hosting a garage sale, the little bit I make from this blog). I can’t say we’ve
got it all figured out already, since it’s still new and we’re still adjusting,
but we’re committed to going through our FPU program together and working as a
team with our finances.
Steve: Well, the biggest transitions that I have noticed is that I
have to take out the trash 2 times a day… everyday… along with our recycling
bin, there is NEVER toilet paper in the bathroom when I need it there, and if
we forget to lock the bedroom doors at night, there are 10 beady eyes peering
at me as I slowly open my eyes in the morning J Honestly though, the transitions have been
largely easy! Cost of extras (such as going out to eat, babysitting, etc) are
WAY more, and so we try to plan meals and eat at home as much as possible. I have been committed to taking Vee out on a
date at least every other week for just the two of us, so there is a little
cost there, but really just seeing where we can cut corners and not spend money
where we don’t have to. Caleb has joined
the efforts in saving money and has graciously agreed to stop wiping his bum
after going “number 2”… so I guess that’s less t.p. we are using J
Part 2 of our Q & A will be "getting to know Steve." I'm excited for you all to get to know this man that I am crazy about!

How wonderful Vee and Steve! Thanks for sharing with all of us! :)
Finances are big questions for Americans, not so much for Mexicans like me LOL! but I can understand (and appreciate) the time dedicated to post about this... it was funny about the toilet paper, milk, etc... Because I FEEL like we ARE CONSTANTLY BUYING those things sooo often (with only 2 little girls) THAT I have many times told hubby: "I wonder how it's like with more kids!" so there you go.. I got my answer ;) ... so I am looking forward to the "getting to know Steve" section and everything else you have to share :)
Hahaha.... I love Caleb's contribution to help save tp! Too funny! Congrats to you both and all of your kids!
Dear caleb! Sounds like something my son would volunteer to do!
Way to be committed to FPU! We've been debt free for 10 years now, and are SOOOOO blessed for it! We can give away more than we ever dreamed!
Always have a date night! So important for the 2 of you!
Veronica & Steve. It's very nice of you to be transparen with your lives and answer questions... I'm not sure I could do it myself.
I love the humor...
I'm so glad so see what God is doing in your lives.
U just gave me an idea Steve, date nights every other week:))
Sounds like you two are working together and isn't that what one would call 'marriage'.
I always feel so inspired when I visit your blog.
Haha, your new hubby is too funny! I love Caleb's contribution on saving on TP. :)
Loved reading your responses! Thanks for posting! One of your answers brought a question to my mind: how is Faith doing with her birth order being changed since she is no longer the eldest?
Glad to know all is well and hope it continues to be so.
Also, (and sorry I forgot this in the my first comment!) how is Steve's youngest (sorry I don't know her name) dealing with no longer being the youngest?
Thanks again,
Oh! I'm excited to read this series. I am also a remarried widow. I have been remarried for a little over a year now and it is wonderful! I think once you know how precious marriage is and how fleeting life can be, everything just becomes that much sweeter. Neither of us have kids, so we are in a different boat, but still swimming the same ocean. We're in the age group where everyone we know has children, at least two; and most have been married for over 7 years. It's fun to be the newly weds! I'm looking forward to reading more, especially about how your in-laws supported you.
Thanks for sharing,
LOL @ Caleb's cost saving idea!!!
Since you said ask ANYTHING, I'm curious; are you planning to have any more children?
So happy for you and Steve. For the kiddos too. Blended families work as long as the families work together. Thanks for sharing your life with all of us. Thanks Steve!
keep the Q&A posts coming... they are really fun to read!! :)
we know you're busy but don't make us wait a whole week unti your next post :) heehehee
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