1. I was just curious how you have/will approach the idea of the
kids calling Steve "dad". Adding a "step parent" to the mix
when parents divorce is so much different than when a parent dies. I know you
did not get married to Steve to replace your husband or the kids father. If
they call Jeremy dad and Steve by his name, will that make Steve feel less
connected to them? Or if they choose to call Steve "dad" will you
feel like you are breaking the connection between them and Jeremy?
What do Steve's kids call you and what do your kids call him?
What do Steve's daughters call you? What do your children call
What are the children going to call both of you? Since you both
are now step parents will they call you mom and dad or will you be known by
something else?
not sure what verbal stage Carter is at, but does he/will he naturally call
Steve "Dad"?
Vee: This was a very
popular subject – and rightfully so. This has been a very sensitive topic for
Steve and I to weed through together. We made sure that the kids knew that they
could call us whatever they felt comfortable calling us, there was no pressure
to call us ‘mom’ and ‘dad’ if that felt forced or awkward. And since Steve’s
girls already knew me as Vee and my kids call Steve by name, it of course is a
hard habit to break. But we also knew that eventually down the road, we’d want
to blend our family as one and be “mom and dad.” This first involved some
grieving on my part. While I am thrilled that my children have such a wonderful
man in their life that will be a positive influence, it is really hard to
associate someone else as father to them – and another realization that Jeremy
is never coming back. But I feel like, at least for Faith and Caleb, the
transition is not too difficult: they called Jeremy “daddy” because they were
so young, and therefore we say ‘daddy’ for Jeremy and ‘dad’ for Steve. In
theory, this gave my heart peace but it is still strange sometimes to actually
say it. For Carter, it was much more emotional for me to think about because he
understands so little. I know that Steve will be the only dad he knows and
Steve loves him like his own, so it’s only appropriate (and heartwarming) for
him to call Steve dada – which he now does. But I grieved heavily over the fact
that he never got to call Jeremy that. Like so many other things on this
journey, it’s bittersweet.
Next is actually
implementing this concept. Steve and I started out with just trying it out
ourselves by collectively saying things like “kids, say thanks to Dad for
making your sandwiches.” Or “Say goodnight to Mom.” After that didn’t feel
funny anymore, we started referring to each other as that in front of the kids.
It’s just now starting to feel more comfortable in our family. It stills feels
weird in the presence of people who knew Jeremy as Dad, I think because I know
it’s an area that other people haven’t grieved yet either. But I will never
forget the first time Zada called me Mom at Caleb’s t-ball game a few weeks
ago. I could tell she was trying it out to see how comfortable it felt. I tried
not to react and just answered like I normally would, but I’m pretty sure my
heart almost burst open it was so full and I had a smile on from ear to ear that I
just couldn’t take off. Right now, they call us both, Mom, Dad, Steve, Vee – it’s
crazy and odd, like us – but over time I think it will start to feel more
comfortable for everyone.
Steve: As Vee said,
this is a process and one that Vee and I have talked through extensively. We want the whole family to feel like a
family – and that includes the language we use – Mom, Dad, Sister, Brother,
etc. Vee and I both decided that we did not like the terms “step-mom” or
“step-dad” because of the negative connotations that come along with those
words, so, as Vee shared, we have slowly used the words “Mom” and “Dad” around
the kids. But we have also been very
conscious of using inclusive words such as “ our children” rather than “my
girls” or “your kids.” We want them to
know that we love them all equally and treat them all as our children. This new
language has been a change for us and so we can only anticipate it will be a
change for the kids too – but that is ok! However, in the past week or two we
have noticed that the kids are getting more comfortable using the terms “Mom”
or “Dad” with us.
For Father’s Day, Vee and the kids made me special a special
craft with all their handprints and wished me a Happy Father’s Day – all but
Faith. She couldn’t say it to me, but
she wrote it out on a piece of paper. It
was ok, and I completely understand. She
misses her daddy and even though Faith and I have a really good relationship,
this transition is still very new for her.
However, this past week Vee and I took the kids camping and one night,
after we went swimming, Faith came up to me and said, “Hey dad, can you help me
hang up my swimming suit?” It was as if time froze – my heart nearly beat out
of my chest and my eyes welled up with tears.
I couldn’t jump up fast enough to help her, give her a hug, and tell Vee
just as soon as I could. Since then she
has called me dad a couple of times, and while I am so grateful that she feels
comfortable calling me dad, I am even more grateful to know that she has had
two dad’s who love her more than anything! Although
Faith, Caleb, and Carter will, overtime, call me dad – they will always know
that they have two dad’s who care about them.
I don’t ever refer to Jeremy as anything but their daddy and I try to
give them every opportunity to talk about Jeremy, reflect on their memories of
him, and learn more about him through others who knew him on different levels.
2. Do you think that you will have any more children?
I am curious are there going to be any little ones that join
your family in the future?
Do you two plan on having a baby together?
Vee: In short, no. I was
done having children at 2, haha! I am so grateful for our big funky family, but
as of right now, we don’t even have a seat in our van for another person! We
don’t have the space or the finances or the sanity to have another child. We
both agree that we would love to experience having a baby together to redeem
our last pregnancies and go through that as a couple, but we don’t love the
idea of having 6 kids. I’ve always wanted to adopt and perhaps someday down the
road if we’re in a place where we feel like we could, we haven’t shut that door
yet. But right now…I’m pretty tired. J
How is the blending of families going for the kids? Do the kids share rooms?
are your kids adjusting? Are they sharing rooms and adjusting like other
siblings do?
I know what life is like in a blended family ... just curious
how it's going for y'all?? I hope it's going well!
Vee: This has been a common
question among my friends and people at church lately. My honest response is
that our family has come together in a way that only God could bring together.
Other than the fact that our girls actually LOOK like they’re related – they
also act like it! They bicker and fight sometimes, but they love each other.
Faith and Reagan are pretty attached to each other and seem lost without one
another any more. It’s so heart warming to watch them love each other and look
out for each other and play together. I think the most rewarding thing to watch
is how they benefit each other by being together. Most unexpectedly, Zada and
Caleb and they way they play. Zada being the oldest, acting like a 40 year old
who worries about everything, it’s amazing to see the kid that Caleb brings out
in her. I’ve heard her laugh more, get emotional a lot less, and even act tough
for Caleb, because she loves that he acts wimpier than she at some things (he
pretends to be scared of the vacuum just to play with her). I love the way they
talk about their new brothers and sisters – it’s very sweet and just feels
right. I know it’s not always easy, but it is always a blessing.
Right now, Zada has
her own room because she is the oldest and she is also the most anal about
keeping things neat and tidy – unlike Faith and Reagan, who are sharing a pig
sty together, and they LOVE it. And the boys are sharing a room….sorta. Both of
their beds are in the same room, but Caleb likes to sleep on the floor in Faith
and Reagan’s room. They’re all pretty happy with the arrangement, and it feels
like it’s always been that way.
Steve: The transition for the kids has been honestly much
easier than I had anticipated! There are small squabbles from time to time, and
like most siblings we have to remind them to be patient with one another,
share, and figure out how to work things out between them all. It has been very
interesting to watch them find their new roles in our family. As Vee shared, Reagan and Faith are almost inseparable
– they share a room and enjoy just playing with each other. Reagan is use to being the youngest and is
enjoying her attempts at being an older sibling (although we have to remind her
regularly not to be so bossy) while Faith, who was the oldest, is now learning
a new role too. While it’s tricky, Vee
and I already see how tight their bond is and feel like not only will they be
great sisters, but life-long friends.
Zada, our oldest, floats in between playing with Caleb and loving on
Carter. While Caleb seems to bring out
the kid in Zada (which is a good thing because she sometimes acts like 40 year
old woman) Carter see’s her as his biggest ally and protection from the other
To help the transition into “our family” instead of “my family
and your family” we have established new rules, incorporated family meetings,
and made sure, above all else, that the kids understand that Vee and I are a
team and we make all our decisions together.
Vee and I have been very aware that in our new family we need to make
sure that we are on the same page and that the kids know that they cant play
two sides of the fence.
While we know that things wont always be easy – we truly
feel God’s presence and peace as we have moved our family forward together!
Do your kids still visit Jeremy's family (grandparents, aunts, uncles, etc.)
Vee: Of course! Jeremy’s
family is stuck with us – they have loved us without condition and they are and
ALWAYS will be family. In fact, we are in Canada now, celebrating Dad's 56th birthday. I try to make it a point to see them once a month, and if that’s not
possible, at least every other month. When we travel up to visit Jeremy’s
parents or siblings, we also try to see as many other extended family members
as possible. But, it’s just as difficult as trying to get together with all of
our other family members (my parents and Steve’s parents), so it’s never nearly
as much time together as we’d like.
Steve: I am SO glad I get to talk about this subject, mostly
because I thought that there might be several questions related to how I got
along with Jeremy’s family or how we have navigated these waters, but was
surprised to see that there was really only one question about Jeremy’s family
and it was on whether or not the kids get to see Jeremy’s family.
First, let me talk just for a minute about Jeremy’s
family. From day one I have been
completely blown-away and humbled by the way that they have taken me in! I can
only imagine how incredibly tough it has been for them to lose a son, brother,
grandson, nephew, uncle, etc., and would have understood if they remained at an
arms distance from “the new guy” who was dating the woman that their son was
married to, or marrying the woman that their son was married to, or who was
helping raise the children that their son once raised. Contemplating my first visit to Canada I knew
that just my presence alone would be a reminder that Jeremy was no longer there
– and to be honest, I felt sick about it!
I knew I needed to go, I wanted to go, but at the same right I almost
couldn’t bare the thought of what I would say or how would I act. I remember battling in my head “Should I hold
Vee’s hand when we are there or would they be offended by that?” or “Should I
sit by her on the couch or not? I want
them to know I really care for her, but I don’t want to upset them!” But
honestly, the moment they greeted me all my anxiety went away.
I will never forget talking with Byron (Jeremy’s dad) on top
of a blustery hill as we took the kids sledding on my first trip to Canada. His
grace and acceptance of me was something that I hope to imitate to others. I remember Byron telling me that all he
wanted was for Vee to be happy and well taken care of and for the kids to have
the same, and he could see that I did those things.
Because I respected Jeremy’s family and knew how important
they were to Vee and the kids I wanted to get their blessing before I asked Vee
to marry me. I remember Skyping with
Byron and Arlene and talking to them about my love not only for Vee, but also
for Faith, Caleb, and Carter as well. I
shared with them that I never wanted to be the replacement for Jeremy but
wanted to join their family as my own unique person. I remember wanting to
share more with them, but before I could utter out much anything else they were
letting me know how much they appreciated me and how they felt grateful that I
was in Vee and the kids lives (I know, I was BLOWN-AWAY!). These weren’t just words though! Arlene and
April agreed to be a part of the walk where I would ask Vee to marry me, April,
Melanie, and Bethany all stood up with Vee on our wedding day in support of our
new journey together, and Byron (along with Brian, Vee’s dad) walked Vee down
the aisle to me.
It has been humbling for me for sure. While I know that my presence is a constant
reminder of Jeremy’s death and I know that their grief, just like Vee’s, will
be a life-long journey, I am amazed at the way they have extended their hand of
love and support to me.
Although life is busy and I don’t always get to talk to them
as much as I would like, I always enjoy texting back and forth with Byron about
how he is doing or how his job is going, or getting Facebook messages from Arlene
or April asking how I am doing or sending words of encouragement, or joking
with Kirk like somehow we have been friends since high school (since that is
where our maturity level is at sometimes J). Needless to say, we are family – it is not a
matter of “letting the kids visit Jeremy’s family” they are OUR family and we
enjoy each moment that we get to spend with them.
Next up is Part 4: Grief-related questions
P.S. We are NOT pregnant, but Steve does think he's pretty funny. :)

your family dymanic that you both have created (of course letting God lead the way) is simply amazing!!! can you adopt me??? (and yes, i am a 44 yr old woman).
Steve has a great sense of humor and had me going there for a minute!! I am sure humor comes in handy with your "funky family" circumstances. :)
Wow.....reading about Jeremy's family and how they are so loving and accepting made me cry. You guys are just amazing people! No wonder God brought you together!
And as for Steve......he's HILARIOUS!!!!! I laughed out loud when I read "we're pregnant"!
Steve is certainly a funny guy. It kept things lively as he was growing up. However he is also a very caring, loving person who has a huge heart for other people. It has been very hard to watch him go through the last few painful years and I am so thankful that he has been able to maintain that crazy sense of humor. (Steve's Mom)
Yes...I'm sure you have LOTS of private "family meetings" hahahahahahahaha....
Beautiful!!! I just love this post! Thanks for sharing so much! :)
I couldn't read through this without tears. Bless you all!
Oh, "family meetings" eh?! Hmmm... We like to have "family meetings" too! ;-)
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