After my princess turned 4 last week, we had a CRAZY week!!! It's still going crazy, but I just wanted to take a quick second to update you on what's been going on:
1. This week the weather has been beautiful here in Michigan! Faith got a lot of use out of her new bike, because we went to the park a few times after school to enjoy the sunshine....she went from hesitant rider to pro in no time!
2. This weekend was the annual youth rally our church puts on called Illuminate. I had the privilege of helping set up the stage and leading worship on Friday night. Had a great time, but it consumed A LOT of my time this week!
3. For those of you that remember my ranting post about my brother from awhile back, it's time for an update. Shortly after that post, my brother went to jail for breaking probation and was there until Friday (roughly 5 months). The good news is, I think prayers have been answered and my brother, the one I remember and love, is home. It's the longest he's been sober since high school, and he looks great! He came to see me sing on Friday night, and it was really really good to see him. I pray this is the time away he needed to get back on the right track and use that as an opportunity for a second chance!
4. I'm juggling a lot right now: financially, emotionally, and schedule-wise, which is why I haven't been able to keep up with the blogging. But hopefully I will get a breather sometime soon! Thanks for stickin' with me anyway, you guys rock!

Wow. Sounds like you have a heaping platter of life keeping you busy.
I'm sorry about your brother...hopefully he will continue to get the help he needs to stay on the right path.
Our daughter struggles with addiction and all the assorted ugliness...she is struggling with sobriety as well.
And it is hard to watch.
Going to read your birthday post now!
Busy, busy!
I'm so impressed by people who lead and sing at church. Such an inspiration they are.
Hope life calms down a bit for you. Have a nice week.
Continuing to pray for your bro - that the improvements you are seeing are permanent.
Enjoy your week!
Sounds busy! Great news about your bro! I've been praying for you so I hope things work out. Glad you stopped in to say hey to us!
So wonderful about your brother. My prayer is that God Himself would capture his heart completely.
Some weeks are crazy enough, but add into it a church activity, and a special homecoming, well that makes for an especially crazy time. Good for your brother. I hope he can continue to move forward.
Your daughter's name is beautiful-- and inspiring, too! It was always on my "like" list... until I realized it didnt' work with my married last name AT ALL!
Congrats to your brother on his sobriety.
Confessions From A Working Mom
Don't worry. It happens to the best of us! So happy for you that you have "your" brother back! That's definitely a good thing! Hope things slow down a bit for you so that you can relax! Have a great week!
You have a lot going on!
Welcome to SITs! I hope you enjoy the party:-)
Wow! That's a lot! Missed you!
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