Already, I was blown over by yet another incredible thing to honor my love. But oh no, it's not just one thing. It's a hundred things and a hundred people coming together to make something else happen. What started off as an idea for a stone and a maple tree (for Jer's canadian roots) to be placed in his honor became an entire sanctuary space of beauty and memory. Three maple trees, a beautiful giant stone and inscription, a bench and decorative stones....all facing the lake where Jeremy worked and fished, and next to where we lived when we first got married and where we've spent many hours together. It's above and beyond anything I could have ever imagined. Even though Jeremy would have never believed it could all be for him, I know his presence is already there, approving this memorial that is soooo him.
Our dear friend John, who, among the countless other things he's done for my family, was setting this all up and asked if I'd like to have the kids and I place our handprints in the concrete that set the stone before they covered it. Are you kidding? What a great idea I never would have even thought of! It will mean so much to us for years to come. I can already see us years down the road looking back on this day, talking about how big the kids were when they put their hand prints in the cement. And how Faith freaked out cause she didn't want to touch the sticky cement but I forced her to anyway cause I knew it would be important to her later. And how Carter had to put his footprints in because he was so small and I couldn't unclench his hands enough to get them in the concrete. And how the kids got to have a ride in "Daddy's Kubota."
I'm so proud to have stood beside a man who through many flaws and weaknesses, revealed Christ to so many. And through his life, brought a community to its knees. I can't wait to feel Jer's presence on Sunday in that place.
We were lucky to have a friend capture the day for us, so I will leave you with some of our moments.

This is beautiful. What a perfect way for his presence to be continually remembered throughout the school, his loving church community, his friends, and family.
Wow Veronica...that is so beautiful.
This is so beautiful! What an amazing dedication to an inspirational man. It is so cool that your family will be able to visit this place for years to come. This brought tears to my eyes. With everything that your family has been through, it is so sweet to see these very throughtful blessings that you have received. I wish you and your kids a million more!!!
What a wonderful way to honor your husband. I am sure he would have been so flattered. Beautiful...
That is so beautiful and amazing. It will be a gift you get to share with your children for the rest of their lives. It will be a spot that they can go to and know just how much people loved him.
Love thsee pics. The kids will definitely appreciate this when they get older. I can't wait to come up there and see it. Jeremy was special to so many of us- and this is a perfect way to honor him. He would have loved that you put "Proud Canadian" immortalized on there!
Love you guys so much,
I'm in tears, all over again. Wish we could be there with you tomorrow as this becomes a dedicated space to the love you mourn and the friend we all miss. Love you, friend. SO THANKFUL to the Greshams again too! :)
What an awesome idea! I too can picture you four taking a walk and spending time at the memorial. It's so pretty too. Hugs and prayers as always :)
what an amazing idea!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
in the spring, you can plant the fall, you can bring a pumpkin! Christmas, you can hang some silver balls on the tree branches... in the summer, you can come for a picnic...
Love the "CANADIAN" vibe to it...
Jeremy was your typical northern Cdn boy... to the core!!! :)
So happy for your family to have this sacred place to come, laugh, cry, pray, talk, or whatever else you need to do.
This is simply amazing, and all for someone who deserves this honor and so much more.
Thanks for sharing the pics of this, brings a smile to my face as I look!
Tears are welling in my eyes...what an amazing community you have! Such a loving tribute, very beautiful!
That is so beautiful. I have tears in my eyes. The picture of Carter smiling is adorable. Although I did not know Jeremy in person, I saw him as soon as I scrolled down on Carter's picture. Amazing!
wow vee,thank you for posting this blog & pics...the memorial is absolutely beautiful!i can see your kids coming home to visit from college and ya'll going by the memorial..& your kids are so precious..may God bless ya'll! much love!
oh! & i can see how carter lost the paci...=)
That's awesome! It's going to blow your mind one day when you go back when the kids are older. You are going to look at those tiny hand and foot prints and wonder how in the world you did it.
It's crazy to me that we've stood in a lot of the same places, and know a lot of the same people, but have never met. I know exactly where his memorial is. I'll have to go visit it sometime.
great post. love your blog.
WOW!! What a wonderful way to honor your husband, and what an Amazing thing for you and your children. Something that you will have for years to come. I love what you said about you and your children standing there years later looking at and talking about the hand prints.
How wonderful, Veronica. It really is a beautiful space and it looks so very peaceful and blessed! I'm sorry you need to have such a space but I'm thankful that since you need it, you and your family have it. Love and Blessings, Val.
The memorial looks fantastic! I can't believe how much Carter looks like Caleb.
That is amazing! I am so happy for you that you have people in your life that would do this. It shows who your husband was and how many people he touch to have such a beautiful place as a memorial. I pray that you and your kids can use this as a happy place for many years to come to go and celebrate Jeremy's life.
Does God love to blow our socks off or what? I'm sooo honored to be a part of this special moment in time being prepared for an awesome celebration - through your beautiful pictures! How absolutely precious! Oh how I will be praying God rains down His presence during this time, and I have no doubt, you'll feel Jeremy near also. Thank you for sharing.
Hi V,
This is a really sweet post, and the pictures speak volumes. Your children are so beautiful, and that sweet little Carter looks like Jeremy! The picture of his tiny little feet in the cement is so precious. I hope you are doing well (as you can) and are spending much needed time with your babies. I think of you often and wish you peace.
Oh Sweetie - that is just so beautiful. What a lovely memorial and peaceful garden.
Such a beautiful memorial and tribute. How lucky you are to be constantly surrounded by people who knew and loved Jeremy. And how fortunate he was to be loved by so many.
Such a beautiful memorial and tribute. How lucky you are to be constantly surrounded by people who knew and loved Jeremy. And how fortunate he was to be loved by so many.
What a beautiful and peaceful place for the four of you to visit Jeremy.
As I watched the worship leader sing in church yesterday I couldn't help but think of Jeremy - he is probably right around the same age.
Still praying for you.
This is beautiful!!! Everything about it. Still keeping you and your family in my thoughts and prayers!
That is a beautiful memorial!
Beautiful and so amazing. I love Jer's spot!!!
Absolutely beautiful!
So beautiful! What a great way to honor Jeremy! And the baby looks just like him!!
I keep coming back to that picture of your two oldest - so cute!! they look like they have such a good relationship.
- agata.
What a wonderful tribute to your love and family. The kids look so happy to be celebrating their daddy. I love that picture of Carter and his smile, and the binky! That is a beautiful legacy, Veronica.
I love this! Beautiful.
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