You probably don't want to know where the inspiration for this post came from. But, I will tell you anyway (it's MY blog, remember?) - My period this month was horrendous. I always think it's lame when women call into work because of cramps, but I seriously considered it this time. They've gotten progressively worse over the last few months (I'm blaming it on stress). You may be thinking, TMI, but stay with me....I promise I'm going somewhere.
I was curled up in a ball, whining and asking the hubs if he would kindly shoot me in the ovaries, when I realized that even through all that, I would never trade being a girl for anything. Ever.
I love being a girl. Here are a few reasons why being a girl rocks:
10. Periods - Okay, this might seem counterproductive after when I just wrote above, but think about it. We have the ability to use this sacred time of the month to our advantage (doesn't mean we should, just that we can). I get more massages from the hubs, he's more sensitive, and I have a perfectly valid excuse to be a b*#$% and consume as much chocolate as I see fit. Plus, we get out of doing a lot because of cramps.
9. Make-Up - If you're a guy, and you're ugly - sorry about your luck. You're screwed. But us girls have the ability to mask our flaws with make-up. I refuse to leave the house without putting my face on first (you can all thank me later for that), and I feel very blessed to be able to do so. Plus, I loooove lip gloss!
8. High Heels - I wouldn't classify myself as a 'shoe girl' - I don't own a lot of shoes, and most days my shoes are pretty run-of-the-mill practical. But I LOVE a great high heel. They have the ability to make me feel sexier, skinnier, taller, and more confident. That's a pretty talented shoe right there!
7. Purses - I also wouldn't say I'm a 'bag girl' either. I've had the same purse for years. But, we have an excuse to carry all our crap with us wherever we go, and always be prepared. If guys did this, well....they wouldn't get away with it.
6. Dresses - No better way to instantly and easily feel feminine than to slip on a dress. I love flowing summer dresses. My favorite.
5. Emotions - We women can wear our emotions on our sleeves and not get made fun of. We can cry through a sappy movie without turning in our 'man card' and no man could cry his way out of a speeding ticket!
4. Girl Talk - You know, that blubbering jibberish that takes places, saying nothing at all, but knowing exactly what we mean. It's essential to every woman.
3. Wearing men's clothes - We can wear our guys' stuff and be called sexy (and it's so comfy!). It doesn't go the other way around.
2. Double Standards - Okay, I might agree that it's not fair, but since it goes in my favor, I won't put up a fight! Many more women have gotten promotions, free stuff, sugar daddy's, compliments, and hand-outs simply for being women. I'm not ashamed to admit I've used this card in my favor a time or two. Or three. =]
(I know this is an opposing double standard, but I thought it was too funny!)
1. Life span - Face the facts: Us fabulous women live longer. Perhaps because we are so fabulous:
There are other reasons I love being a girl, but I'll stop there. I wanna hear what you come up with!