You know, those silly indulgences that you would never admit to anyone. You'd be mortified if anyone knew how much you loved it - either because you're way too old to love it, too young, or it's completely ridiculous:
I call them guilty pleasures.
Well, welcome to my dirty laundry. I'm airing it out. I've decided that I am secure enough as a woman that I can be at a place to admit these secrets loves of my life.
(Reading the following may force you to think less of me)
Guilty pleasure # 1:
Cheesy movies
Okay, I realize I am not alone on this one. Most woman would admit to liking the sappy romantic comedies/dramas. My favorite genre is action/suspense, but I will totally admit to loving girly movies. But I love the really cheesy ones. I tend to watch them by myself so I don't have to answer to anyone why I would possibly watch it: Like watching The Ice Princess. And loving it. And downloading the Ali & AJ song from it. Or 'A Cinderella Story' - Apparently, any Disney teenie-bopper movie, I'm all over it. Shhh....don't tell anyone.
Guilty pleasure # 2:
Zac Efron
Again, with the disney teenie-boppers! I admit it: I have a cougar crush on Zac Efron. It all started with my daughter's obsession with High School Musical. This kid is seriously a force of ridiculous talent. Adorable: CHECK. Actor: CHECK. Sings & Dances: DOUBLE CHECK. My daughter has good taste!

Guilty pleasure # 3:
Salt & Pepper
Hopefully, this will redeem myself from my previous guilty pleasure (or at least, balance it out)...but I love older guys who can rock salt & pepper hair. I totally think it's sexy. Like Pierce Brosnan.

Or George Clooney.

Something about an older man who knows who is, has a sense of maturity (even if we know it's a myth), and can get sexier every year.
And no, I do NOT mean Taylor Hicks, thankyouverymuch.
Guilty pleasure # 4:
Anyone who has read my blog knows I love Slurpees. But my love borders on obsession. I've cut way back recently in honor or reaching my goal of a healthier me, but there is a slurpee shaped hole in my stomach. And it aches. I could drink them non-stop. ALL DAY. It's a disease, really. I should seek help.
Guilty pleasure # 5:
Jordin Sparks, 'Battlefield'
I actually love all things Jordin Sparks. I think she is an incredible singer, a great role model, and has the most unbelievably beautiful skin. But, I've recently become addicted to her song 'Battlefield.' It's constantly stuck in my head. I crank it anytime I hear it on the radio. My kids know most of the words. I love the drive. I love the range. I love Jordin Sparks, and I don't care who knows it!
There you have it: my guilty pleasures. I warned you that you might think less of me...
What are your guilty pleasures?!?!? I'm dying to know!
lol, I totally am there with you on Battlefield. I only have the single from that album and will leave it repeat over and over and over again!
Zac Efron to Veronica is Patrick Dempsey (Dr. Derek 'McSteamy' Shepard on Grey's Anatomy) to Kara :) I do heart all of the Disney Movies too!
I was about to give up on you when I got the Salt and Pepper part. At first I thought you meant that old band that was named Salt n Peppa! Then when I saw it was grey hair, I was right there with you.
I love it!! And I would have a crush on Zac Efron too...except it drives me NUTS that his pants are always hanging a little too low in the front! :P
He is so dang cute though!
By the way....when Faith saw the picture of Zac Efron (whom she calls 'Troy' from HSM)....she kept saying, "Mommy, I wanna see Troy's belly button again!" LOL
Me too, hunny. Me too! =]
I am SO with you on the ultra cheesy movies!!! The cheesier the better! And especially a cheesy Disney movie!!! Love them all!! :)
That's so weird...I just recently fell in love with Battlefield too! I have listened to it every day (multiple times) for the passed month or so. It's so good!! ("Better go and get your armor!"...I love that part!)
You are too young for a cougar crush, sorry! :-)
Hey Vee! I'm a little late to the conversation but I have to agree with the cheesy movies thing. I particularly have a guilty pleasure soft spot for MARY KATE AND ASHLEY OLSEN movies. They go on an adventure, they learn a valuable lesson and they always kiss a boy. Since they're not making movies any more another super fave is ABC Family made-for-tv movies. Because you know what you're going to get! You KNOW that there will be a happy ending. They'll never win a best picture nom, but they're a shining source of certainty in this crazy world and that's why I love them.
I devour celebrity gossip. I am ashamed to admit how much I love it. Definitely a guilty pleasure.
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
Great 'Guilty Pleasures' list.
Here from SITS. Happy SITS Sharefest.
Hey Veronica, I found you through SITS. What a cute and funny post, I love it :) I read a little about you and it looks like we have a lot in common.
Love your blog, so now I'm following you. I'll be back :)
everyone knows mine -- I'm a 40 year old fan of the jonas brothers!! seeing nick jonas in berkeley tonight.
Stopping by from SITS...what a great list! I think my guilty pleasure is that I don't only watch cartoons while babysitting, and actually have some dvr-ed. Yikes!
Happy Saturday Sharefest!
I won't lie about Zac Efron, he sure is dreamy. After watching Hairspray(for the zillionth time I might add) I wished he would come to my house and sing to me.
Plus I would take George in a heartbeat.
There is one Salt and Pepper that you forgot that I completely love and that man is Hugh Laurie. Cut me off a piece of that British man, lol
George Clooney is such a hottie!
Over from SITS...
I never understood the fascination with Zac Efron until I watched him in "17 Again" - then, I kinda fell in love with him, LOL!
And, I'm totally with you on the salt and pepper thing. Older guys have always been my thing.
Cute blog!
Slurpees, salt and pepper hair, Zac Efron?! I'm headed to the mall right now to pick up our BFF necklaces :)
Great Post, look forward to reading more!
Found you through SITS
Oh my goodness, I'm pretty sure I could sing every HSM song because I have 4 kids who LOVED the movie. Zac is adorable. Pierce has got it goin' on! I loved Clooney when he was on the Facts of Life.
Congrats on your SITS day!
~Mimi...who doesn't care for Slurpees...I know how is that possible?
I feel very guilty about admiring Zac Efron's cuteness considering how old I am! His looks are too out of this world. Now Pierce Brosnan on the other hand... that is my 'cuppa tea'!
I am sooooo glad that I am not the only one having hot dreams about Troy Bolton. :) I think that one of my guilty pleasures would be a real fountain coke with little ice from the local gas station. I know. I know. Weird! Stopping by from SITS!
Hey Veronica, Im a fellow SITS girl. I love this post, so cute and real. Ummmm lets's see. I love Jordin Sparks too, she's adorable. Saw her in person at Miley Cyrus concert like 4 years ago. lol Right after she won. Ummmm my cougar crush would have to be....(now realize Im almost 39 so Zac would put me in jail. lol)
Ummm I think Justin Timberlake is cutie and also Adrian Grier from the HBO show Entourage. I love him also because he is very Eco friendly and a green advocate.
Ha! You're so funny.
I saw Charlie St. Cloud with my daughters this summer and found myself thinking an awful lot about Zac afterwards. I'm not normally a crush kind of girl but he's pretty awesome.
Stopping by from sits....
l! I'm back from SITS. I told you I was coming over to see who your "cougar crush" is. Anyway, it seems as though we have pretty much the same taste. Pearce Brosnan, I love! George Clooney, OK, Zac Efron, not so much. Now back in the day, he might have, strike that Would have caught my eye. He reminds me a bit of John Provost, the kid who played Timmy on Lassie, when he grew up. He was a "pretty boy" too. LOL! Love those teeth. LOL! I also like the "Ice Princess", "Save the Last Dance", "Princess Diaries 1 and 2" "Stick It" (a gymnastic storie) anyway, you get the picture? All "family" movies. I also like action movies.
God Bless
Happy SITS day!
You picked some mighty tasty photos to post. :)
I enjoyed my visit here!
Happy SITS day!
I really enjoyed my visit to your blog.
P.S. Nice pictures. Who wouldn't want to start their day with a little bit of George?
I enjoy cheesy teenie bopper movies as well! Tv shows as well I only admit it when I hang out with 6 to 12 year olds (I work for a school) no judgment her find joy and relaxation where you can!
I enjoy cheesy teenie bopper movies as well! Tv shows as well I only admit it when I hang out with 6 to 12 year olds (I work for a school) no judgment her find joy and relaxation where you can!
My cougar crush already has his very own cougar...Ashton Kuetcher! YUMMY! I turned 39 today (happy bday to me lol) and part of me thinks I am too young to be a cougar but then there is that other pesky half chiming in with its 2
I have all the Disney movie classics like Cinderella, Lady and the Tramp, and Snow White, and the entire Pixar line and Ice Age and Monster's Inc... and my all time fave - The Penguins of Madagascar (on Nick), twice weekly, DVR'ed and watched and re-watched!
Mmmm, what a great pick me up. Nice. :) And, you know, I love the title of your blog!
Found you through SITS...
My husband has salt & pepper and it's great, I agree. LOVE George Clooney.
My other guilty pleasure (off the top of my head, 'sparked' (hah!) by your Battlefield confession): Party in the Usa by Miley Cyrus. I'm not even guilty about it anymore.
You have the price and princess, what will the third baby be?!?
I get the allure of Zac Effron, even though I don't share it. I'm more of a Taylor Lautner fan. Did I really just admit that??
I've *almost* met Pierce Brosnan TWICE. The first was in a movie theater in Hollywood where we saw him and it was obvious he didn't want to be bothered, so we left him alone. The second was at Sundance Film Festival in Utah. He got into a van seconds before I reached the door he had just walked out of. Someday...
sooo funny!! gotta love some of those younger men. i get a little cougarish about Taylor Laughtner...and i am not even a Twilightfan, but my 15 year old daughter is and she thinks it is "creepy" for us to crush on the same i keep it on the down low!
congrats on your SITS day! what an awesome community of women right?
it is so funny that the title of your post is Guilty Pleasures. i just hosted a swap on that exact thing. Packages are making there way all over the United States this week filled with Guilty Pleasure goodness...come visit me and do a little blog jog checking out the linked up bloggers who's packages have arrived!
Zac Efron is just . . . . so . . . . pretty.
And I could watch Ice Princess over and over again until I drop!
Totally with you on both Efron and the Salt and Pepper older men. :) Other guilty pleasures of mine: reading young adult books, cheesy pop music and teenage drama shows on TV :) Basically a small part of my brain appears to still be 16 years old.
Happy SITS day!
My cougar crushes are legion in number. I think Chris Pine is currently number one for me.
As for obessions ... Red Vines. I hae to put them in the garage and go get one at a time. It's sick.
Great blog ... found you on SITS!
All I have to say is yum yum!!!
Congrats on your SITS day.
Salt & pepper? Those guys are pretty much my age :P.
Mmm mmm mmm... that's all I can say about older men with salt and pepper hair.
And Slurpees... oh how I miss having those since I moved to Belize!
Guilty pleasure... I love eating frosting right out of the tub especially chocolate fudge!
Happy SITS Day!
Cheers :-)
- CoconutPalmDesigns
I have some of the same guilty pleasures...watching the disney movies is one of my favorites but anymore every movie has a lot of promiscuity, violence, or language and these are they only ones that are still clean.
Oh, love this! I have so many guilty pleasures. Books that have no redeeming quality other than being fun- same with tv and movies.
Hope you are enjoying your SITS day! I'm following you now. :)
Does 23 really count as a "teeny bopper?" I think you are totally in the clear, he has been legal for so long that it's not even worth worrying about ;)
Congrats on your SITS Day!
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