1. Thank you to all of you who have offered up prayers for so many people that I love. Unfortunately, my Aunt Regina passed away last night after a very short (a few weeks) battle with lung cancer. Continue to pray for the family, especially her daughter, who is getting married in a few months. It's very sad for everyone. And they're way out in Wyoming now, so a lot of us won't be able to make it to the funeral. I know God has a plan and a seed has been planted for something beautiful to arise from this tragedy.
2. My sweet friend Sandy, who has been battling Lupus and now aggressive cancer is still in need of prayers as well. The good news is she has outlived her expiration date given by doctors, the bad news is her treatment didn't work. The cancer has grown and spread, and they're gearing up for more treatment. Please read about her incredible journey here.
3. Today, my grandma and cousin were rushed to UofM hospital for a broken hip and a burst appendix (separate incidences, obviously.)
I'm sorry that so many of my posts lately have been requests for prayer, but I'm grateful for all those who read, anyway. I promise I have other things to talk about very soon, even a few things I'm very excited to share. So bear with me!
God is good, all the time. All the time, God is good.
Wow, i will def send prayers your way! :)
Hope everyone gets well soon! That's crazy about the appendix because that's the THIRD one I've heard of in the past month. One my camp director, two a camp counselor and three now you're cousin! Well wishes being sent your way for everyone.
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