In light of recent events, my mind has been working overtime trying to figure out little ways to cut down on our budget even more than we already are, and thinking of ways to supplement my lost income. Then I remember this great little website someone had recommended to me years ago called Better Budgeting
This is a wonderful website full of helpful tips, ideas, articles, budget spread sheets, and more to help better budget your money!
I am SUPER excited that the hubs and I committed to start Financial Peace University this year, and our first session is tomorrow! That IS good timing. It's a 12 week program by Dave Ramsey to learn how to get out of debt. I actually am familiar with the program already but needed the hubs to be my partner in this process so we can commit to doing it as a team! I haven't done the entire program so I'm eager to get started. I know it will be difficult but I'm ready to make a change.
Continues prayers are always solicited, as I am still struggling with this whole thing.
But I HAVE to ask.....what are some of the best ways you've found to be frugal at home?!? I'd love some ideas!

Good for you being assertive in approaching this "adventure". I lost my job in May of 2009, which was a pretty big chunk of money-- two kids in college. Then my husband had to take a significant pay decrease. Wow -- it just seemed like too much. You know what? We're still here. We're making it. God provides. Praise God. You'll make it too, dear!
Aw muffin, I know how tough that can all be....seriously. I really enjoy doing everything by hand that I cant afford, it takes more time but its always worth while. In the summers I grow veggies... I can my veggies too. we get super careful with our electricity and stopped pretending starbucks would fall over and die without us. I reuse things I would normally recycle for my homeschool projects....I am excited to see what the classes teach you! I know there are some bigger picture things that have to change for budgets to work though so I will just be praying for you guys;)
I will have to check that website out and I love Dave Ramsey's program!
We have cut back, by eating at home more, using fluorescent bulbs in our home, washing clothes in cold water, hanging more clothes to dry, etc to cut back on our electric bill. I coupon, even started cutting my husband's hair.
It sounds so funny typing it all out but these things do help over time and just become natural.
Prayers for you, as well! : )
I have heard so many good things about that program. I will pray for you guys that it will help you in numerous ways! One thing I have started in the past 6 months is grocery shopping with cash only ... I have been able to cut our monthly grocery budget in HALF!
When I go to the store, I take ONLY my cash for the week. I also usually keep a little in my wallet at all times, just in case I have to run into the store unexpectedly. When I used my cards, I always let myself go over budget a dollar or two .. or twenty .. and promised myself I'd cut back next week - which I never did. This method has forced me to get better at knowing prices, and keeping track of what's going in my cart.
I don't always comment, but I love reading your blog. You have such a way with words. A site I love is:, this lady gives heads ups on coupons and freebies, and even walks you through how to do coupons to save money, and even make some money! Check it all day throughout the day for different stuff, but I so far I have got great coupon deals at the grocery, a free pedometer, free meat, free photo calendar, and $5 magazine subscription!
I admire you taking control of this. Good for you. And I hope the course is everything you want it to be.
I cannot say how much I love you and how much I am praying for you! You have so much going for you in life even though it is hard to see that through the nasty that sometimes occurs! I cannot say enough about Meal Planning. Phil and I are currently not grocery shopping for the month of January as part of the Eat From the Pantry Challenge - Money Saving Mom is doing. Google her! We also instituted Fun Money. We each get $50 bucks a month (you can change this based on your income) that we can spend on us - clothes, coffee, video games etc. It has really helped us fight less often about budgets! We love Dave Ramsey. We didn't pay the money for the class but I did buy his Total Money Makeover Book. I can try to get it to you one of these days to read. There are a TON of blogs out there that I read for coupons and money saving tips! I can send you a list if you want via email. LOVE YOU! Keep Smiling!
That's very exciting. We just completed our FPU courses right before William was born. It's great because it is very complete. The hard part for us was doing the tedious part, but I think we are very pleased with the results so far. GOOD LUCK and stick with it!!
My sister has mentioned Dave Ramsey to me several times and has used a lot of his ideas. Sounds like they're good ones. Best of luck in your efforts. Hope 2010 is your best year ever!
Good luck with this~it will be worth it! I stopped using paper towels and keep a bin of rags (cut up old towels) under the sink instead and just wash them instead. :)
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