I will tell you there is not much to report weight wise. Since last month, I haven't lost any weight. But I should be thankful that between the Holidays and not getting to the gym as much due to travel, I haven't gained any either.
Here's the good news: This month, I went through some old clothes I had stored away, and found probably 8+ pairs of pants that fit me before I had kids and put them back in my drawers! YAY It's also good news that even though I've lost a little weight, I am not satisfied staying at the weight I'm at now. I want to keep going. I've lost about 25lbs, I would still love to lose about 30lbs more. It's a high goal, but I think know I can do it.
Here's the bad news: I've really gotten frustrated with this plateau I've hit. I'm hoping that now I'm back into my regularly scheduled life, I can break through it. Since we've started our Dave Ramsey program (which I will update on later), a lot of my goals have shifted to taking care of my financial life. Food wise, though, I'm even more committed to eating wiser, spending less money out to eat, and eating what I already have. Sometimes that means we're eating Ramen for dinner. The other really bad news is that I have to cancel my gym membership. *tear* I'm super sad about this, but since we're down an income, that's the easiest thing to let go of to free up some money each month. So I have til the end of February with my membership - and you'd better believe I'm going to get my money's worth out of it.
This is what a need: YOU
I need some people to keep me accountable, to encourage, to pray. I know it's a lot easier to stay on track when I have people to answer to, even if it is via blog. Tell me your success stories, what keeps you on track? How did you break through your plateau? (I'm dying for advice on that one). Let's lift each other up and lose together!

This post makes me miss you! I so wish that I could just give you a huge hug right now. I know where you have been and I know you guys are going to come out of this on top! You and Jeremy are both commitment people which is a good thing when it comes to Dave Ramsey! I am praying for you guys as you go through this journey! I am proud of you! Love ya!
Girl I can help with anything you need! I have all kinds of ideas for you I was a Hiphop aerobics instructor and I love cooking and eating healthy just email me and we can compare notes you can soooo do this, plateaus or not!!!
Good for you. I loved your post about debt too, and I guess they're the same concept: pay attention to what you doing and decide how you're going to fix it.
We've been on a spending plan for over a year and it's made a HUGE difference. Now I need to get my butt into in gear and do it with menus as well....I'm down five pounds since Jan 1st...20(30?) more to go... ;)
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