I'm so excited to share these photos, I'm bursting at the seams. We had a little newborn photo session with Angela Miller yesterday, and she did an incredible job capturing my little man. They're all so fantastic, I had a hard time choosing just a few to share. The one of Carter's hand holding Jeremy's ring especially tugs at my heart. Hope you enjoy.
Which one is your favorite?

ALL of them are beautiful! I would have to say the money hat one :)
He is just such a ham!!
What incredible photos! Thank you SO much for sharing!
What a TALENTED photographer and PHOTOGENIC little man! He looks so much like Caleb!!!! Jeremy most certainly lives through that little guy. Beautiful, Vee!
I love the photo where you are holding him close to your heart and he has that precious little crooked smile. He looks so content to be in that place where he is so meant to be in.
That third picture, with the adorable crooked smile is my favourite.
I'm so glad to see you're falling more in love with your new little man. He is beautiful.
He is beautiful! I love them all. Congratulations on your handsome bundle of joy!
The third and last are my favorite - he has the cutest little smile.
he is absolutely precious! The last picture is my favorite... such a sweet happy face and that hat is just awesome.
Love that new baby ..... he is and you are amazing!!!! Right now I know it is blurred but God does have great plans for all of you ... so many are praying for you and your children!!!!
These are absolutely beautiful!! Such a talented photographer!! I love his little hat!! Sweet Carter is such a darling little man!! I love them all!
Your little boy is amazing and so are you. I know that everything is a blurr but God is on your side ... even though right now that may be hard to understand. Many are praying for you and your precious family ...
These are precious!! I love the one of his hand and the ring...so beautiful. I also love the ones of him smiling in the hat!
Ummmm, I can't even begin to pick one. I swear I have NEVER seen better or cuter newborn pictures in my life! There were so many different poses and looks. And, he looks like he's full on smiling in a couple! These are AMAZING!!! They make me happy to look at. Thank you for sharing them.
I will say this....from the limited pics I've seen of you and Jeremy and such, he looks an awful lot like his Daddy. ADORABLE!
These photos are remarkable! They are so beautiful, there are hardly words to describe how happy they have made me. Your story/ life's journey has touched me in a way I cannot describe. I am praying and rooting for you everyday. My favorite photo is the black and white one with the baby wearing the cat with buttons. He seems so unaware and happy. Love, love that you shared these with us.
They are all very, very precious!
I love them all!! what a sweetie!! My favourite is the second from bottom of you and Carter. The one with him holding Jeremy's ring is beautiful too.
I loved them all however the one of you and him in the background with the ring in view is my favorite. made me tear up some. Praying for you .
Vee, I have followed your blog since the tragedy of losing your husband. My prayer has always been for your unborn baby...that God would protect him from the emotional impact his Mama was going through with the loss of his Daddy. I look at this precious baby and I know my prayers have been answered. He is the most adorable peaceful baby. I will continue to pray for you and your precious family that peace will find you daily!!
Goodness Veronica, kinda hard to pick a favorite...........they are all so perfect. Carter is perfect and you look beautiful as well. I think my favorite is.....all of them.
Can't pick a favorite, those are amazing and he is adorable! I can't believe he is smiling so early!! Soo cute!
OMG Vee!!! Those are SOOO adorable! I love them all. That monkey hat is too cute. My favorite is the one he's kind of smirking in. Hugs and prayers!
Veronica, I don't even know you and my eyes welled up with tears....they are just beautiful! I love them all, but my favorite is the one of you holding Carter. Both of you look content in your embrace, so very, very, sweet!
They all look like artwork! So very precious.
He is such a sweetie!
AMAZING photos! What a handsome little man you have :) I think my favorites are the ones of him in the monkey hat and the one of you holding him-so precious!
girl i have to say a few things,first off,carter is a VERY handsome lil boy! such a cutie! aww! & second,angela miller is an amazing photographer! & third, God bless you for posting these pics,they are all so wonderful,i couldn't begin picking "A" favorite! God bless you girlie!
I love them all, too, but the favorites...couldn't pick just one...are the smiling monkey hat and you holding his little feet! Amazing what a great photographer can do...
Vee - those are beautiful! Until I saw the open hand/ring picture - my favorite was of Carter smiling. I'm torn between those two!
Yes babies are an incredible gift from God! I agree that ALL the pictures are beautiful. I especially like the monkey hat smirky grin--made me smile inside.
Carter3, without a doubt!
They are all beautiful, Veronica! He looks like the most content of babies and you are beautiful as always! Thanks for sharing them with us. I continue to keep your family in my prayers.
Sara brought these up at work, yesterday and we were both "oohing" and "aaahing"! Not sure I've seen more beautiful photos. The last two are my favorite. The one of you and him is gorgeous.
I am so thankful for this very shining light in your life.
They're all beautiful, but my fave is the last one. So precious!
Sorry, Lurker here, My favorite is the one of him laying down with the little smile on his face... Clearly talking to his daddy. : )
I don't think I've ever seen a newborn propped up on his folded arms, all relaxin' looking. These are awesome, vee.
Oh MY!!! It's hard to just pick ONE favorite. HE IS SO CUTE!!!!!! And every single one of these pictures are extremely PRECIOUS!!!!! You are so blessed.
He is by far one of the cutest babies that I have seen.... EVER! Congrats on your new little bundle of joy. I know that this is hard and I can't say that I would be as strong as you if I were in the same situation.
The one of you holding him in the background with the ring on a string in the foreground brought a tear to my eye. Isn't funny how a picture can capture so many emotions all at the same time.
Those are so incredibly beautiful! I am going to have to go with the one with your hands and his feet and the rings. It's a lovely heart. Congrats on the adorable little man!! Lisa
What an AMAZING woman you are. Carter is just precious, I love all of the picutres, but the last one has to be my favorite. I am praying for you and your family many times a day.
Hands down the one of you and carter - the second last one. i know he's probably not smiling b/c he's still so little but you both have beautifully joyful & peaceful expressions.
These are beautiful. and the hats!! so cute.
What a handsome little boy!!! I can only imagine how hard it was to pick just a few photos, they are all great, but my favorite is the 3rd one where his eyes are barely open & he's smiling at you!
They're all beautiful! But if I have to pick a favorite, probably you holding him with Jeremy's ring in the foreground.
those are so beautiful. i love the one with jeremy's ring. these pictures mean so much. your baby boy is such a gift from god. he looks like he is bringing so much joy. that smile is breath taking!!
OH MY GOSH! These are absolutely beautiful! Favorite? My goodness, I could never pick just one! Each and everyone made me tear up and smile at the same time.
Continuing to pray for you every day!
Vee, all of the pictures are soooo sweet....I cannot pick a favorite......your little one is just soo darling and so happy!!!!!!! I look forward to meeting him sometime......
Love ya....
Thanks for sharing. They are ALL beautiful. He's adorably cute!
These are all amazing. Can't choose just one. Thanks for sharing - he is gorgeous!
All of them.
But anyone of them where he is smiling make me giggle. I love it!
these are adorable! i love the very last one and also the one with your hands and his feet forming the heart with the rings. so beautiful
I love them all but the one of you holding him in the background of his daddy's ring is just amazing!! What a blessing and he looks just like his daddy to me.
They are all amazing... my favorite one is of you holding him... he seems so happy and content in your arms. He has such an AMAZING mother!
You are so strong yet so vulnerable and real... I admire that so much...
These are the most beautiful baby pictures I have ever seen!! I love the two where he is wearing the monkey hat-- his smile is absolutely adorable! I didn't know newborns could smile like that!! Beautiful.
No way could I pick a favorite. And your quote at the top is so true.
So beautiful... thanks for sharing. I love the one of just his hand and your husbands ring... amazing!
These are all just beautiful!
Beautiful photos.
My favorite... is all of them.
Seriously, I keep going through them and saying, "Oh this one is definitely my favorite... unless it's this one... except that I love this one too...
He's beautiful.
He is so prcious. Congratulations on this little bundle. May he bring you lots of joy and love.
He's adorable. Sooooo cute and already so happy. The photos are all very special. Congrats again.
i LOVE them all!!! they are beyond adorable!! :)
The photos are gorgeous! Your son is beautiful and so are you!
I'm particular to the first one.. He just looks so darn squishy~! I love it!
They are all AWESOME, but the last one is just too sweet!
I am here from Nicole's blog and have been following you for a few months and praying so much for your sweet family.
I just love the pictures with your rings..they are so touching :)
Love the one of you holding him with his feet making a heart and the rings on his toes. Beautiful! Be blessed, be strong, be corageous, you continue to be in my prayers!
hi Vee - he's beautiful! so glad to hear things are going as they are. #2 is my favourite one - very nice! thanks for sharing so much with us all. love you honey. we remember you in our prayers always.
The one with you and him. Hands down. Made me teary. Carter is GORGEOUS!
Delurking for a moment - I'm a new reader, and first of all, I'm so sorry about Jeremy, your love for him shines through everything you write, and I ache with you. Second, congrats on your new sweet little Carter - he's beautiful (and born on my 17-year-old-son's birthday - great day to be born!). Third, while I loved the pictures of Carter, I really connected with the title of this post - my beautiful 6-year-old daughter was diagnosed with leukemia three weeks after my son was born. I worried so much that the leukemia and subsequent treatment would blur my first year with our new little one, but the opposite happened, and I've said the phrase "Ben just reminded us that life goes on in spite of tragedy" very often. He was a marvelous reminder daily of that, and a wonderful distraction to my sweet girl as she went through treatment. (She's 15 now and very healthy!). I hope that Carter fills your home with joy, and helps to distract from the horrific pain you're feeling.
Keeping you in my prayers,
(a fellow "Michigander")
All of the pix are just incredible....the one with the ring in his hand makes me speechless....
The second to last one is definitely my favorite.....his face while laying on your chest shows just what you do for him....his face is one of absolute contentment and happiness...you and your family will be okay, you will go on, you will have to, for those little faces....you are so strong, and can and will do what you have to for those babies....
You are amazing, and he is beautiful.....praying for you all....for peace and for strength....
I'm torn between the one where Jeremy's ring is floating in the foreground and the black and white where you can see Carter's cord... I love all of them.
Veronica, I've been reading your blog since GCG. Thank you for sharing your life like this with all of us... it's been a blessing to see how God can carry us through our miseries. You are an inspiration to me and my girls.
They are all beautiful! I especially love the ones where Carter is smiling!
They are all so beautiful! I like the ring ones, and also the one of him in that fun little hat with the ears. I'm a sucker for fun baby hats. :)
That quote you used in the beginning of your post is one of my favorites.
He's a handsome little guy!
beautiful pictures! lots of prayer for you and your family. i came across this blog today of a woman only the next town over... http://jessicacouncil.blogspot.com/
maybe it will be of comfort to you.
OMG!!! That last picture is the cutest thing EVER. I LOVE it!
Oh, Vee, I love the picture of his little hand holding his daddy's ring. It broke my heart. It really just isn't fair. That ring belongs on a different hand and it's just not fair. I'm so sorry.
Oh my goodness....they are all so beautiful. I couldn't pick a favorite.
Oh, they are all just so beautiful.
The second last one - B&W of you holding Carter makes tears well in my eyes, it's so beautiful.
I'm speechless! These pictures are stunningly beautiful - and your precious baby boy is nothing less than perfection! He is just adorable - I can't get over the smile on his face. God is truly soothing your heartaches with the gift of little Carter's presence. May He continue to bless your socks off Dear Lady!
ALL! What a cutie pie!
oh vee, i can't even find words, they are soooo precious. THe one of him holding his daddy's ring is my favorite. :)
These are breathtaking! Carter is absolutely adorable! I do see his daddy in him, that nose! I love the pics of him smiling. I love the ones with Jeremy's ring. Basically I love them all. So so special.
He is adorable. Congratulations. He is lucky to have been born into such a loving family. I am sure your husband is looking down, so proud of his new baby and his strong, wonderful wife and his two strong big kids. thank you for sharing.
He is adorable. Congratulations. He is lucky to have been born into such a loving family. I am sure your husband is looking down, so proud of his new baby and his strong, wonderful wife and his two strong big kids. thank you for sharing.
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