So, I'm totally a nerd cause Scrapbooking is my escape, and I'm not afraid to admit how much I love it. It's very theraputic for me, and I love having the memories forever to share with my kids one day. A few people have asked me in the past to share my scrapbook pages and even send them in, but I've never really been motivated to do so because it's my own. My scrapbooking has for sure evolved over the years, I've been doing it before it was ever an official hobby with a title. But, there are a few pages that are my absolute favorite, and I've decided to share them since I can't sit down and actually make new ones right now.
'Precious Moments' This is one of the first pages I ever made for Faith's album that I remember being really proud of...I did all the letters and pictures by hand. And I love all of Faith's little part.
'Seasons' I stole this idea I believe from an idea book, but I love the way it turned out and the way it shows Faith's first four seasons and how she changed. What a cutie!
'The View of Love' Also one of the first pages I made...I hate the pictures themselves, but I love the simplicity of the lines and colors.
'It's a BOY' There's something I love about this page, maybe because it took me forever to finally put together just right and sew all the buttons....and I loved the accent paper
'Remember' This is a more recent page I made, wanting to remember life lessons I've either learned the hard way or seems to forget on a regular basis. And one of the first times I got to use my Cricut machine!
'Daughter are Special, Especially mine' I kinda love the business of this page, it's fun but doesn't take away from the fun photos. Very modern, and makes me think of summer when I look at it.
There ya have it...a few pieces of my heart and passion. Let me know what you think!
Those pages are awesome. Seeing the pictures of your new room and some of your pages really has me itching to get some scrapbooking done. I go in phases, I will scrapbook non stop for weeks and then it will be months before I pick it up again. I need a room like yours because I dread having to drag all my stuff out and put it away at the end of the day. The dining room table just isn't the best place to work.
I'm the EXACT same way with scrapbooking! I actually haven't done it in awhile, cause our basement and kitchen has been in remodeling mode, so my room was a catch all...I've had the itch now for awhile! I tend to get the itch when I'm stressed out and need an escape!
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