It's such a weird thing to explain to people, that I work at the preschool my children attend. Caleb is in my class, and Faith is next door. Plus, Faith joins my afternoon class Mondays and Wednesday, so I still get to have her in class. But, it's a sweet little church preschool, so it's just those two classrooms. I guess it's weird to explain because I feel like people don't understand the wrenching in my gut to watch them go to school - even if they are coming with me.
Last year, Faith and I started our first years of preschool together. And even though I was with her the entire day, I held back tears the whole time. Watching her interact with other kids, learn and create, knowing she was old enough to be in school was so difficult.
This year, it wasn't as difficult because it was familiar. But after taking pictures and looking back, it hurts a little more. I can't believe my sweetie pies are so big!
All dressed up and ready to go

The poses they insisted on, and a little love from Mama (it was my first day too, remember!)

There just aren't any words to describe how incomplete my life would be without these beautiful faces in it.

Thanks for stopping by Vee. Your family is so beautiful. Blessed, blessed. One day I will get there. lol. My mother will not have it any other way. But until then, enjoying my new life in London.
First days are so exciting, yet so hard. I once taught at my childrens school also. They weren't in my class though. I would try to sneak by to check on them, but if they saw me, I was in for tears.
Have a great year.
Your kiddos are precious (and quite the stylish dressers, too)! First days of anything are so hard, aren't they? Especially when it comes to our little ones. My son is 4 and, while he's in preschool now, I already get teary-eyed thinking about him starting Kindergarten next year! We just have to cherish all of our moments, don't we? Thanks for your sweet note about my Fall decor! It really wasn't hard to "retire" the red at all ... I was ready! We love the cream color in there now. Are you thinking of painting, too? Take care, Becca (Adventures in Decorating)
I'm sure you'll get that feeling many more times in your life. It's bittersweet watching them reach new milestones. As parents, our job is to teach them to become self-sufficient adults, but there is something so special about knowing that they still need you.
You have a beautiful family Vee and it's evident that you appreciate that and are enjoying every minute of their childhood.
What cuties! Such a lucky momma to see them all day even though I can imagine it's hard to believe they're old enough to be in school.
Such cute first day photos!
I just started teaching at the preschool my daughter attends, too! Just like you, it's at a small church and so we have only two classrooms. I'm really loving my new job!
First Days of School
Oh my goooosshhhh i just want to eat them up! Too cute.
LOL! Love your son's "hair do!" And I love your daughter's bow, I love when little girls have a bow in their hair like that! Enjoy your babies, they grow up fast.
They are adorable! Love their fashions! Congrats on their first days of school!
Jennie Pie
"Capturing Sweet in the East"
Stopping by from have such a beautiful family! I know what you mean about shedding tears even when you're right there with them. I (previously) had my son at our church preschool while I was working at our church...I remember trying to peek in the little window to the classroom just to spy on him whenever I had the chance!
Hi my sister Vee!
I have found you from Hipchic's blog and am so glad I did :0) Reading about your lovely family has been a joy, and especially this post. I worked for 18 years with Reception (4/5 year olds) and it is delightful to see your little ones happy faces. (and yours too!)
I pray that you will have peace and joy on Valentines day and that your little Peanut will enter the world and be a blessing to all of your family.
Enjoy each day - a precious gift from God.
Val xx Oxfordshire UK
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