I've gone over and over in my head about how to start this post. I wanted it to be memorable, whitty, and grab your attention. As a Friend's fanatic, this line from Season 1 kept running through my brain:
"Well smack my @$$ and call me Judy!"

For those of you that might not know what SITS is, you need to be in-the-know, because it is a fabulous place for bloggers to meet, connect, and support each other! I'm owe SITS the credit for most of my followers!
Now, a little about me: I am a wife and mother of 2, with another peanut due to make himself known around Valentine's Day. By myself I am nothing to write home about, but the people in my life make me pretty fabulous. And this blog is all about that: My fabulous life with the people I love.
I have ups & downs, good days & bad, Guilty Pleasures and skeletons in my closet I'm sure. I dabble in a lot of things, including scrapbooking, singing, and mini makeovers. Anyone who knows me well knows that I have an obsession with Slurpees, my kids are hilarious, and I love being a girl!
I hope you'll kick your feet up and stay awhile.
Congratulations on your SITS day! I'm glad to say I "knew" you before :) Enjoy it and I hope you get a great turn out!
Happy SITS day!!! Soooo excited that SITS brought me to your blog - it's absolutely adorable . You're "letter to Peanut" brought tears to my eyes, I loved it!
Can't wait to keep reading around :)
I just found SITS, but I'm loving it because I get to find fellow bloggers like you! Congrats on your day!
Congratulations on your special day. Your blog is beautiful and so are your children. Off to check out more.
I hope it turns out to be a great day for you.
Happy SITS Day! Congratulations on your Valentine baby!
congrats :)
-- stopping by from SITS!
Happy SITS Day! I have enjoyed reading through your blog. It is full of family love and happiness. I enjoyed my time here it made a difference in my life.
Chaplain Donna
You rocked this. Congrats SITS girl of the day with such a fabulous name I might add.
Happy SITS Day! Have a great time. You have a beautiful family!
Hi Judy! I'll leave the ass smacking to someone else! =)
Happy SITS Day! And your Cougar Crush doesn't quite look the Disney teenie bopper in that pic you chose of him! =)
Congrats on your SITS day! I'm sure you're special all on your own, but having a family certainly adds a richness to your life.
Happy SITS Day^^
Hope you enjoy being Queen of the Day =)
Happy SITS Day! Congrats on the coming addition to your family.
After looking at your URL, I have to ask...have you been blogging since 2003?!?
Congrats on your SiTS Day!!! Yeay you!!!I can't wait to read more! your blog looks beautiful!!
Congrats on your SITS Day and your new addition to the family! I'm due in 6 weeks and having another boy too :)
Heather from Acting Balanced
Congrats on your SITS day, Vee! :)
Happy SITS day you clever Mama. Loved your makeover post. Following you now. Hope you enjoy the bloggy love and get a ton more followers!
Luv from
in New ZEaland
I LOVE the mural that you painted on your bedroom wall! Found you on SITS, and sending best wishes for a happy, healthy pregnancy!
Happy SITS Day!
Nice posts. I like your Guilty Pleasures. Also drooling after Zac but would not be caught dead saying it (I just did, didn't I? LOL)
Happy SITS Day! Congrats on your impending arrival. I agree, it's the people in my life that make me better!
Congrats on your SITS day! I am off to explore.
hope your SITS days is fabulous and wonderful! and btw....that is one of my FAVORITE "friends" episodes :)
WOOHOO! Aren't you the lucky gal with her very own SITS Day!
Congrats on having the cutest family EVER and I love that you include belly shots of peanut...I am a nut for preggo bellies!
Have a great day!
Congrats on the SITS Day! I love that quote from Friends.
Congrats! It's exciting to be featured!
Congrats on your SITS day! I am excited to read your posts as your family sounds very similar to mine!
Happy SITS Day! I love your blog! That mural is amazing! i"M off to read some more but I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy SITS Day! I love your blog. That mural is amazing! I'm off to poke around some more. I hope you have a wonderful day!
Happy SITS day!
Congrats on your SITS day! I love that you say your life is made fabulous by the people who love you, but I'm sure you're pretty fabulous either way ;)
Happy SITS day!!!! Your blog is so cute... I think I might stay for a while ;)
Happy SITS day!!!! Your blog is so cute... I think I might stay for a while ;)
Happy SITS day to you! New follower here .... you got me at: "Well smack my @$$ and call me Judy!" I love your writing voice. Looking forward to getting to know you! :o)
Enjoy your SITS Day! Hope you enjoy all the comment love.
Congrats on your SITS day, and on the little on that's on the way!
Congrats on your SITS day!
OH guilty pleasures, where would we be without them? (aside from bored and un-indulged)
Your kids are super cute, as is your blog!!
Keep it up, chica!
Congratulations on your SITS day in the spotlight!
Enjoy all the well-deserved love and praise today!
Happy Happy SITS Day!!!
Happy SITS Day!! :) Your blog is really adorable and I loved the letter to your new little peanut! I think that's really great that you write letters to your kids like that... it's something they'll have to treasure for years and years to come!
Enjoy your day! (and as a mom of 3 myself, let me remind you that you will have to switch from a man-to-man to a zone defense once little Carter comes along!)
Happy SITS Day! I love your blog design!
Congrats on your special day! You have such a cute family. Best wishes on your new addition coming in a few months!
Happy SITS day! Your blog design is beautiful. btw, I totally remember that line from Seinfeld too. A total classic. haha
Happy SITS Day! I love your bedroom mural--and your creative spirit.
Happy SITS day! And congratulations on expecting your third little peanut! I just loved being pregnant with my two little girls.
Grats on your SITS day :)
Congrats on your SITS day and your pregnancy!
By the way, I love that quote from Friends!!!
Wow! Look at all these comments. Happy SITS Day...now I have to go figure out what that is!
Happy SITS day!
You're so adorable, and you make me feel right at home.
What a lovely blog Vee. Really enjoyed your letter to your peanut. Congrats on your SITS day!!
Happy SITS day! Your page is so cute and so are your little ones :)
Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day!!! I hope you are having an awesome day!!! I love your blog. Going to look around and follow.
Congrats on your SITS day! I love your blog! Your mural is gorgeous! Want to come paint my house? LOL :)
Happy SITS Day!! LOVE your blog design - so cute!!
I'll be back to poke around after school. Enjoy!
Congrats on your SITS day! I'm already a follower; I know a good thing when I see it. :) I love Seinfeld and that line sums it up beautifully. Enjoy your day!
congrats on your day! You have such a fun, bubbly blog. And your kids are adorable! =)
Happy SITS Day and congratulations! You have a new follower. Have a wonderful day!
Ingrid x
Happy SITS Day! Hope you enjoy it. Now, I'm off to peruse your blog and see what I've been missing all this time. :)
Congrats on your day! I think that I will take you up on your offer and kick my feet up while I peruse your part of blogdom. Looking forward to getting to know you better!:)
Hi Vee, just over from SITS! WIshing you the best, your blog is adorable! Come see me at www.pinkdivacafe.com
Awesome. Love your posts. And, if it makes you feel any better, I'm totally addicted to Disney teen movies. And don't even get me started on Jonas L.A. OMG - It's embarrassing how addicted I am to that show.
Lovin your intro! :) I'll try to get back to check out more of your blog later. In the meantime ... have a happy SITS Day! :)
Happy SITS day. I recently discovered sits (i'm talkin a few days ago) and love it. Seems like an awesome meeting place and tool all in one :)
Off to read your cougar crush post :)
Visiting from SITS... Beautiful blog! I am a bit of a dabbler also. I have many hobbies and interests, but am not super amazing at any of them! lol Blessings on your day, amiga! :)
What a lovely family! Love the photo of the Princess! Enjoy the spotlight and soak up all the bloggy love today!
Congrats on your SITS DAY! Your blog is very cute! I'm following now. Can't wait to hear more. BTW I'm a not-so-closeted Justin Bieber fan...I can hear my girls now, "Oh, mom" (don't forget the eye rolls). Enjoy your day!
Congrats on your SITS Day! Your blog is adorable...love the letter to your Peanut!!
I'm so glad your SITS day is here!! I'm already a follower (and have been for a while) so I am super excited you get to be the Feature Blogger!!! Yay!! I love your blog and can't wait to read even more!! Congratulations!
Congrats on your SITS day! I bet your family thinks that YOU are what makes them special.
You had me at "Friends"--I will be a follower forever! I just wrote a Dear Jennifer Aniston post about two weeks ago begging her to be my bff! lol
Your blog's adorable, as are your kids. It's wonderful to see a woman so happy being a wife and mother. Best of wishes for that third baby, and congratulations on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day! Enjoy your time in the spotlight!
Happy SITS Day! CONGRATULATIONS. And your children are adorable!!
Best regards,
Congrats on your SITS day! Stopping by to say Hi!
HAPPY SITS DAY! How awesome is that!!!
Enjoy your day!
B x
Congrats on your SITS day! I saw the mural you did in your bedroom, it was fabulous! I love the way it's decorated as well, so soothing. Congratulations on your new little peanut!
Happy SITS Day! What a lovely family and blog.
How can I not love you? You quoted Friends. That's my all time favorite show, along with Will & Grace.
Happy SITS Day.
PS-I love your "the list" post. Yummy. I like Josh Jackson, George Clooney, John Cusack, Matt Bomer and my "cougar" type one is Nate Kress from iCarly on Nickelodeon. Such a cutie. But never seen his "abs".
Have a great SITS day. Enjoyed the posts.
Congrats on your SITS day! Your letter to Carter touched my heart because my best friend in the WHOLE world (I'm just sure God meant for her to actually be my sister) is due in a week with a baby boy to be named Carter. May God bless both of your lives with chubby cheaked, heart stealing little Carters!!
Happy SITS day!
Yay yay SITS day! Hope you get a lot of comment love and meet a lot of amazing e-people. I've already checked out a few posts - you are hysterical!!
Happy SITS day girl! Love your blog!! I have a peanut due around that time too, only a week after you! :) We just found out our peanut has a peanut too, haha (yep, a boy! Help me! I have 2 girls). Hope your day rocks and I'd love to be blog buddies! See ya soon!
Happy SITS day- you have gorgeous kiddos (and I'm sure that third lil one will be just as cute).
Dropping by from SITS. Happy SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! =)
Congrats on your SITS day!
I'm a scrapbooker too-- though I haven't done much in the last six months (had my second babe who is six months now-- coincidence? i think not!)
Anyway, enjoy your day. Oh and my camera strap matches your background pattern-- awesome!
I love your opening!! haha. Happy SITS Day to you! Your daughter is beautiful. I'm off to catch up on your posts!
Hi, Vee! Congrats on your SITS day! Your blog is funny, sweet and genuine. I'm glad I found it! Enjoy your day :)
I LOVED Friends too!!
Congratulations on you SITs feature! I hope you enjoy your day in the sun:-)
Happy SITS Day! You have a beautiful blog and family. Love the mural you painted on your wall. I wish I was talented like that. Maybe if I traced it?
Enjoy your day!
Have a wonderful day!! And congratulations on your incoming arrival :)
Happy SITS day!!
1) I LOVE that your SITS post had a Friends quote!!!
2) That mural you made for your bedroom is PHENOMENAL!! I'm impressed you had the guts to do it! I think I'd scare away from doing something so big myself, but it turned out absolutely fantastic!!
¡Feliz día de Sits! Happy Sits day! My eye was caught by that gorgeous mural you made, is just my style and my mind is blowing up with ideas I can do in my room-which is all white and blah!!! Have a fun day today and enjoy the ciber company is coming your way! Will be back!
Happy SITS day! Your blog looks awesome and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee as I read trough your archives.
Happy SITS day! Your blog looks awesome and I'm enjoying a cup of coffee as I read trough your archives.
Loved all three of the posts you highlighted for your SITS day. Your wall mural is exceptionally beautiful. You may have to change your information to let people know that you're insanely good at mini-makeovers. I really enjoyed your I love being a girl post. I may make my own list for "older" girls.
Congrats on your big day!
Nice to meet you Vee! I love your blog design and all of your cute kiddos! Congrats on the new P-Nut!!
I love your hair!!!!
I am excited to get to reading your posts. I love how you say that you are good at a lot of things, but you're family is what makes you a superstar! I feel the same way!
Jennie Pie
"Capturing Sweet in the East"
Congrats on your SITS day! Off to check you out!
Congrats! You guys are so sweet! Love your blog!
Congrats! You guys are so sweet! Love your blog!
OMG your blog is so cut and I totally love your profile. Congrats and so happy I found your blog!
Stop by anytime.
Congrats!!! It's fun to see someone I "know" have their SITS day!
It's nice to meet you, and congratulations on both your SITS day, and your baby :)
Nice to meet you! I hope the rest of your pregnancy goes smoothly. :) Happy SITS day!
Hope you have a great SITS day!
Happy SITS Day! Can't wait to read more.
Congrats on your SITS day! Your family is beautiful and I love your Friend's quote. You did good :-) And your $5 bedroom makeover is not too shabby either.
Congrats on your SITS Day!
Congrats on your SITS Day!
(That's one of my very favorite Friends episodes!)
Looking forward to getting to know you and your family a little better.
Happy SITS day. I'm going to take a look around. :)
FANTASTIC! Happy SITs day...love the posts you picked to share! i especially love the guilty pleasure post. i can relate...even though my 15 yr old daughter highly disapproves!
your kiddos are darling. i am a sucker for a little red headed sweetie, especially one with a mohawk! CUTE! and that little girl of yours, adorable!
enjoy basking in the awesomeness that is your day...you should totally wear a tiara to make you feel even more special as the comment love comes flying in!!
Loved your guilty pleasures post...I kind of have a thing for Zac Efron, too. It's a little embarrassing, so just keep that to yourself, ok? :)
Happy SITS day!
So excited for you!! Happy SITS day!! Love your site so far...your little peanut is a lucky guy to have such an awesome mommy...even when you're tired and don't want to read a bedtime story I bet you do.
I see you're into scrapbooking so come check out my site and hopefully you'll learn some great tricks and have fun, too.
Happy SITS day! Your blog is the cutest.... Love the Friends quote! I am a Friends fanatic - I still haven't recovered from the show going off the air. Great blog and have a wonderful day.
Happy SITS day!
Your blog sounds like an intersting mixture of different things. I look forward to reading some of them today.
I love the idea of writing a letter to your children each year - that is such a wonderful idea!
Have a lovely day,
Happy SITS Day! Love your blog.
Happy SITS Day! Love your flower background! Can't wait to check around your blog.
Congrats! You have such a sweet blog - and I love the title Everyday Kings. Happy SITS day :)
Congratulations on your SITS day!
I am really enjoying your blog! Your children are beautiful.
Have a wonderful day!
Happy SITS Day!!
You are definitely Queen for a day!! Loved your piece on guilty pleasures! I would have to add anything chocolate!!
I love the baby on the way widget! It's just so different! My second son was born just before Valentine's Day 2 years ago!
Come by when you catch your breath...
Hi Vee, so glad to see you as the featured blogger from SITS today. Enjoy!
congratulations on your SITS day! you're blog is awesome! i'm gonna go poke around . . .
You have a fabulous blog and I am so glad to meet another fellow crafter. Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day! I love your blog, and am following!
Happy SITS day!:)
Congratulations on your SITS day!!!! I love the mural you did in your room, I am so with you on Slurpees - especially pina colada, and I had to go listen to Battlefield - it's a GREAT song! haha
Congratulations on your SITS day!!!! I love the mural you did in your room, I am so with you on Slurpees - especially pina colada, and I had to go listen to Battlefield - it's a GREAT song! haha
I'm curious as to what these guilty pleasures you speak of are and I so love being a girl as well!
Congrats on your SITS day!
Yay for your SITS day!! You've got a beautiful family... and I look forward to exploring your space!
Happy SITS day! I am loving your blog, and your children are ADORABLE!
Happy SITSday!! That was a very cool mural you did on your bedroom wall!
Congrats on your SITS day. Your little ones are so cute. Can not wait to read more.
You are just adorable. I love your energy, smile, and the delight that you take in life.
Great blog! So happy to see you featured. Congrats on your newest Valentine coming soon. Happy SITS day!
That mural is amazing, I wish I had flat walls!!! this would be a great project! your kids are adorable!
Happy SITS day, hope it's wonderful!
Happy Baking,
hi VEE! what a great blog you have here! i love your creativity! that mural is AMAZING!!!
thanks for sharing your life with us!!! have a happy day! (stopping by from SITS!) xo
Happy SITSday :) Your blog is wonderful and your kids are beautiful, have a great day.
Congrats on your SITS Day! That line from Friends is one of the few I remember that make me laugh out loud!
Happy SITS day. I love your blog. It was fun to look at all your DIY projects. You are so talented, so don't say you're not! Your wall mural is fabulous. (:
Congratulations on your SITS day! You have a beautiful site. Enjoy the day!
Congratulations on your SITS day. I love the mural you did in your bedroom. Fantastic!
Wooo hoo Happy SITS day!
An obsession with slurpees - I dated a guy once who had an obsession with slurpees and I called him Mr. Slurpee on my blog because of it.
I hope you're having a great day.
Hooray! Congratulations on your SITS day! xxxxx
Congratulations on your SITS day! I am off to spend some time with the Everyday Kings.
You crack me up!! LOVE your opening line Judy! Happy SITS Day! You are brave woman having that 3rd kiddo! Good luck with everything! Your kids are ADORABLE!!!
WOOOOO... Happy SITS Day Sista!!
Happy SITS Day from your newest follower. I love your blog.
Congratulations on your SITS day! And I love the name Carter.
Hello Vee.. Happy SITS DAY!!! A letter to Peanut is really deep. I wish other mothers were like you. You celebrate to be mom... that is so wonderful !!! Your kids are adorable, like you !!! All the Best !
what a talented artist you are sweet bella, just beautiful!!! Congrats on your new peanut, what a joy it will be to add to the dynamics of your lovely family :) As for your guilty pleasures *hehe* I'm a pierce brosnan fan since remington steele, he just gets more distinguished with age, love it! have a glorious SITS day
Happy SITS Day! Love your space over here.
Over from SITS Girls!
haha I love friends!! can't wait to read more from you!
Congratulations on your SITS Day!!! I'm a scrapbooker too, though I've been on a bit of a hiatus lately. But, I'm sure I'll eventually get back to it. :> In the meantime, I'm enjoying blogging and am so glad to be able to hop over to visit you here in your online home!! Congrats to you again! :>
Have a lovely SITS day.
Happy Happy SITS day! Precious family, precious blog! :)
Yayyy! for you on your SITS day. I love your blog and you are indeed a Queen. Take care.
Congratulations on your big SITS day! Bask in the glorious shine light.
As a Friends fanatic myself, this is one of my favorite episodes. Bears overboard! Grab a sugar o and save yourselves! ha ha. I've seen it a million times and I laugh each time like it's the first time.
Congrats on your SITS day! :-)
Jack of all trades.....an expert at nothing.....you and me, SITSta! Though, I've heard some pretty promising things about a certain mural above one's love nest?!!
Anyhoo, congrats for SITting on such a worthy blog and may it hatch into (if it hasn't already) the Swan you dreamed of when you made your first post!
Happy Happy SITS! Cute blog...I am following and plan to browse around a bit. I have already read a few great posts and I look forward to more.
Happy SITS Day and I love that little quote from Friends! Have a wonderful day receiving lots of comment love and visitors! :)
Congrats on your SITS day, and on your upcoming birth. Your kids are precious. Blogging - what a neat way to chronicle your family's growth - it's like a virtual memoir.
Michelle at greenearthbazaar.com ;)
Happy SITS-day! I've always loved friends too! Super cute blog!
Oh HOORAY for you and your SITS day! Such a fun FUN day!
I've been here once before, dont' know how, but I saw your playroom makeover, love it.
Also, LOVE your wall mural, it's RIDICULOUS (in the best of ways of course). You have some mad skillz!
Your letter to peanut was absolutely beautiful and so sweet. I too am having a hard time imganing what a 3rd child will do to our dynamics. But, I would like to find out.
And I loved your post about being a girl. Good points, well except for maybe the high heels. I just can't love those.
Enjoy this day and all the comments. And good luck with the pregnancy and such.
I love the look and feel of your blog. I can't wait to look around your blog and your posts. Oh...and I just can't pass by a fellow scrapbooker.
Congrats on your SITS day!
Happy SITS day!! I took a look at your mural you did...AMAZING! I love it. Off to read some of your other posts...
*If you are interested in a blog design you'll get 10% off your order from Designer Blogs if you mention you are a SITS girl! :)*
Happy SITS day! Congrats on your new addition on Valentine's Day! Love your letter to peanut!!
Happy belated SITS day. Isn't family wonderful. Congrats on No. 3.
Congrats on your SITS day!!! I'm a new follower and can't wait to browse through everything!
Hi Vee. Just stopping by from SITS to say Congrats on it being your day. I love that you write letters to your kids and the one to Carter is so lovely! Hope that you and the family are having a fabulous week! x
Congratulations on your SITS day!
Congrats on Your SITS day... Yeah. I really love your candidnes and your blog is simply adorable... Have a Great Weekend!
OH MY GOD! I LOVE that you used a Friends quote!!! I'm a huge Friends fanatic too!!
Love your blog. So cute! Happy SITS day!
Congrats! Thanks for stopping by on Tuesday!
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