Last night was the tribute concert for you at Great Lakes. It was a great turn out and it always means sooo much to me to see how many lives you've affected and how many people still care. All the guys did a great job singing, my heart was broken and filled at the same time.
I've been doing ok, for the most part. The anxiety about these next couple weeks comes and goes, but yesterday you were everywhere. I laughed when I crossed into Canada without any issues whatsoever and the second I rolled up my window I heard you clear as day say "I love my country." And I giggled - I always agreed with you at the border.
Once we got to your sisters and the kids were playing with some toys, they were listening to one particular toy sing the ABC's....all the way to "zed" - and Faith, looking confused says "what is zed?!" You would have said that it's what the letter Z is actually called, but I told her it was something crazy Canadians say. And the next morning, Faith was very curious as to whether or not you learned the alphabet with 'zed' when you were a kid....and they were just cracking up. It just really made me miss our silly banter and all the weird things you do in Canada :)
We took a walk around the mall yesterday, the same mall with the jewelry store where you bought my engagement ring. I told the kids about it, they love hearing stories about the different places you used to be....and that's one of my favorites.
So many of my memories live here in this place, therefore, pieces of my heart are all over this town. I realized that it's not just your past anymore or the place where you lived and made memories. It's mine now too. It will always be a part of who I am and a part of my past, and hopefully always a part of my future and the future of our children.
It goes without saying, but I miss you. Terribly.
I love you always and forever.

I'm glad GL did this concert for you guys. Jeremy will always be remembered there...and everywhere.
I haven't commented in a while, but I read your posts every day and think of you often. I'm sure the memories are still painful, but I'm glad that you have those special places and memories to hold onto and to share with your children. I'm sure it helps them feel a connection to their dad too.
Hey! I was talking with Jer's parents and I mentioned that I love you and the kids because you really are a significant piece of my friend that lives on. Thank you. I've always known that I'm merely pieces of the people that have been around me, but I'm so very pleased to realize that Jer was the same. Not only are you guys pieces of him... you're most of the very best parts! Love you much.
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