The power of prayer is awesome. Within hours of asking for prayers, they were being answered. The hubs and I sat down and made a list of things we could do to save money and earn money. This is what we came up with:
Ways to Save Money:
1. Have the hubs stay home in the am on Tues/Thurs and work pm so we can cut out paying the sitter - The hubs is going to discuss this option as a temporary fix with his boss. This will save us apprx. $180 a month.
2. Possibly pull Faith from preschool and see if our dear friend would watch her along with our son (who she is already watching) - This is a last option, but it would save us upwards of $50-80 a month.
3. Ask the director for discount on Faith's tuition, after all....I AM the head teacher there - I will be discussing this option this week.
4. Call Student Loan providers and discuss repayment options - I did this thinking I didn't really qualify for anything, just wanted to see what the options were....turns out, they told me I could pretty much pay back whatever I want per month or not pay anything for a year!!! We dropped our $275 a month loan payment to $75 - saving us $200 a month!!! WHAT A BLESSING.
Ways to Earn Money:
1. Get another job - Last night, I applied for two jobs with Lifetime Fitness in the Child Care Center. This would be an answered prayer, because it's part time, I would never work past 9pm, the kids could come with me to work, AND I'd get a free membership....this would earn and save me tons of money!!
2. Sell some stuff - I am working on putting stuff together for a Mom2Mom sale. This week, we're going through our house and posting stuff on Craigslist to sell. And, I'm hosting a Scrap Swap on Feb. 27th (I just came up with this idea the other day....and I think it will be amazing. Even if it only makes me a few dollars, it's gonna be really fun.
(if you live in the Metro Detroit Area and are interested in this event, please let me know!!!)
God is good. Thank you for your continued prayers as we work on our financial situation.

It sounds like you did a lot of thinking the past day or two!
Wish I lived by ya I'd come support your sale.
Great ideas! This organization and planning will undoubtedly be a blessing to you. Continuing to pray.
Where there's a will...there's a way! Good job! Your a sweet lady...keeping you and your family in our continued prayers.
Way to work together to find a solution! I hope the Life Fitness thing pans out-that would be sweet!
Just wonderful! God is so good!
And you are an inspiration, Vee!
You two have done a great job in making plans of what to do...I think that is hardest part. Figuring out what to do. I will keep you in my thoughts and send good vibes your way.
It is amazing when you sit down and really figure things out, the ways you can cut expenses!~ I have been a stay at home Mom for 12 years. A lot of Mom get jobs at the preschools so they get free tuition too. Best wishes to you!!~
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