Since I know it will be quite awhile til I get my hands on redecorating my dining room and painting my bathroom, I'll just continue to daydream.
In searching for bathroom inspirations, I discovered a few things:
1. I am apparently pretty picky about bathrooms, cause I had a hard time being inspired
2. I could not find ANY bathrooms I liked that were in the orange family, so it makes me nervous to venture there.
3. Let's be honest, I have a tiny bathroom with mostly slate tile. Cute, but not much to work with. Basically, just finding the perfect paint color.
Well, I'll let you be the judge. This is what my bathroom dreams are made of:
Someday, I will have a tub that I'll actually want to spend time in
Love the neutral colors and stripes. Oh, and that mirror.
Spa like effect. I realize this is not happening in my current house.
I loved this. Simple. Doable. Serene.
I'm not usually drawn to 'everything white' - but these bathrooms are so peaceful and inviting.
This green theme came back up....I'm wondering if I should use the same color in the bathroom as in the dining room.
This is probably the most realistic for me...cause I have the same slate tile. I DO love the green....
I can't wait to change it up. Something fresh. Something calm. I'd soliciting any and all suggestions/comments. Here is a picture of my bathroom (I didn't want to add the eyesore here amongst all these beautiful bathrooms).
And, I will leave you with my very FAVORITE bathroom inspiration of the day:
If this doesn't make you wanna melt into bathroom bliss, I might judge you a little bit.

Hi Vee- I am visiting you from Sits. I love the green bathroom with the beefed up moulding. Are you going to post a before and after I will love to see. If you are undecided you should post a before of your bathroom and ask for ideas from your readers - that would be a fun way to engage your tribe - you can tell I read the Sat SIts blog help post. I checked out Scrapblog this week. I have not quite gotten the hang of it yet. I like your header, do you just create it and save it to the site, then enter the url to your site? I am new to all of this and trying to learn as much as I can so I can do things myself. Enjoy your day.
“Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest”
I absolutely adore what your "bathroom dreams are made of!"
Really cute blog, too!
**visiting from SITS**
If I had a bathroom even half as nice as those I don't think I would EVER leave!!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest!
We can all dream! I have so many pages ripped out of Pottery Barn in my 'dream folder'.
I want all of them!!! = )
The last one is absolutely gorgeous; though my favorite color is green, so I'm a little biased!
just linked to your blog from SITS! These bathroom ideas are lovely! I would be so jelous of anyone who's bathroom looked like those :-) Your family to beatiful & I love your blog! Happy Saturday Sarefest!@
Hi from SITS! We just did a bathroom "remodel" it had been plumbed when they built the house but didn't install one - it's so nice to have a bathroom on my lower level now! :)
Those are beautiful pictures!!
Happy SITS Saturday!
I LOVE bathroom I could only imagine.
I definitely have to say that the sage green would be beautiful, especially with your tiles.
Orange would be fun, but difficult, since it might make a small bathroom look even smaller unless it's a bright color.
Right now my mexican bathroom doesn't even have hot water, and the sink moves, so consider yourself lucky!
Stopping by from SITS!
Happy SITS Saturday Sharefest! I totally feel you. I am so unhappy with my house the way it is right now, but for many, many reasons it is what it is for some time. Those pictures are great! Making me even more unhappy while looking around here...
Great style! Love all of those!
Hi Veronica, following you too! You have such a cute family! I'll be checking back in for those bathroom updates, we are going to be redoing ours this summer and I need some inspiration as well!
Happy SITS Saturday :)
LOVE these pictures - they are gorgeous and so clean!!
Beautiful pictures!
Thanks for stopping by my blog. BTW, I'm more excited to watch the Super Bowl commercials too. Usually, they are more exciting than the game!
How funny I am painting my master bath right now....I picked an awesome blue glacier color! I do love the last picture. I sadly don't have a bath tub in the master bath...we just have a big miss my own bath tub, maybe someday we will remodel it.
Love the tile on the 4th pic down!! Wondering if you'll be retiling, or leaving the same tile you have? Your bathroom doesn't look bad at all!
that bathroom is amazing! Needs some white Orchids!
I'd love to have a big tub like that...and definitely think white or off-white is the way to go! SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did...
Grandpa & Jackie's Excellent Adventure
i heart a beautiful bathroom and i love that green. i'm going to just put it out there. you have an absolutely beautiful family. those kiddos of yours look very squeezable. not squeezable in a...well, you know what i mean. i'm following you back. :)
Ooo I LOVE a nice bathroom! If I had a bathroom with the whole spa thing going on, I would never come out!! :)
Love your blog, btw! Hope you'll stop by mine for some preschool ideas!
Counting Coconuts
Love this post...our bathroom has been demoed since June and I can't begin to tell you how much I would love to have a tub...ugh!!! Hurry up hubs! I need that tub! I like the green.
Oh I want that tub! Really any tub that I can soak in! I dream of them! I really love our green bathroom with the bead board. It was a beast to do but I LOVE it! I like the light and airy feeling the white gives the bathroom. We are going to eventually redo our master bath with a bigger tub and new tile flooring as well but until I win the lottery I will just dream!
I love the green ones. We are doing our bathroom right now and Evan wouldn't let me choose green for the walls because he said it would look the same as our green living room. But ... I just really love green!
Green is supposed to have a soothing affect, but then so is chocolate! haha. Seriously tho...that last one...OMG...heaven! I would never come out.
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