Can someone please explain to me what the big deal about 'Fat Tuesday' is?!?
Only once have I ever tried a Paczki (in college) and I didn't get it. Tasted worse than a donut and worse for your body. I'd take a sour cream glazed donut from Tim Hortons ANY day of the week.
So, today I'm celebrating 'PHAT' Tuesday instead. With the help of my friend, Jillian Micheals:
That's right. I did it. I ordered '30 Day Shred.' Since I had to cancel my membership at the gym, I needed to find something I could do at home that would motivate me....who better than Jillian? I figure if she can change the life of one of my friends enough that he named a child after her, surely she could get my butt in gear! I actually got a great deal on Amazon for three of her DVD's (costing me 1/4 the amount of one month at the gym!!!):

I'm going to start with The Shred. I read a ton of reviews about it, and thanks to a fellow blogger, I was convinced to finally give it a try.
Well, let me tell you....I started Sunday morning, and I was surprised that I actually really loved the workout. It was simple movements, yet really intense. She switched it up enough that it goes by quickly, and it's totally doable. 3 minutes of strength, 2 minutes of cardio, 1 minute of abs.....times 3.
I finished feeling refreshed after not having worked out in a few weeks. And the kicker was how unbelievable sore I was the next day. Like, WHOA. I got up early Monday morning and decided between my inability to move, and this funky thing I've got going on with my eye (it's been swollen shut the last three mornings, and leaking at night...WEIRD), and developing strep throat to where I can't swallow anything without severe pain, and the intense migraines I've been getting for a few days - I thought I deserved a break. But, I WILL be using this regularly. I WILL try this for 30 days. I'm totally pumped about it. And Jillian will be my new best friend if she can get me through this plateau and I could lose 20 pounds in 30 days....I'd be so close to my goal weight! =]
I just need to get healthy/feel better first.
Have any of you tried The Shred? There were mixed reviews about it, but I'm pretty sure if it's something you stick to, Jillian really knows her stuff! I'm interested to hear what you think!

It's been soooo long since I have done any real exercise that if I tried this I would probably kill myself. HAHA. You need to work on getting better first. Buy popsicles, gatorade, and soup. It's about the only thing a nasty throat like will tolerate. Feel better.
I have something for you at my blog.
I'm intrigued! Let me know how it goes!!! Does it say that you lose 20 pounds in 30 days? You can do it girl!!!
Ok. I have the DVD here at home. From Amazon. Still in the plastic. I have heard so much about this dang DVD. I guess I'm going to have to unwrap it and get after it.
Thanks for the shove. :) Please keep "us" updated.
Jillian would definitely be the one to inspire. You don't look like you need to lose any weight at all. But I understand your desires to feel fit and healthy.
It's wierd. I managed a health club until last May when I was laid off. Since that time it's as though I've rebelled against the entire health industry. I've gained weight, started eating junk all the time, and haven't made any effort to exercise.
Perhaps I'll keep my eye on you and get inspired!
Awesome! Not the leaking eye part or throat or head, of course! Hope you feel better!
This, my friend, is one of my very big obsessions in life. Not the video, but the working out. That's awesome that you got such a great workout from it. She must be doing something right with a body like that!!
On another note, I really hope you feel better soon. Definitely take it easy.
Good for you! Videos are much cheaper that is for sure! I haven't tried the shred but I do have one of Jillians other videos and I don't love it. It takes a long time and it is hard. It wasn't fun for me. I have thought about trying the shred though. I have a friend that uses Turbo Jam and I LOVE that but it is more expensive than Jillians videos. I just continue going to the gym and running 3 miles everyday. It is taking me forever to see results but I feel good so that is all that matters.
Love the shred!!! the trouble zones is pretty hard but doable and the other one well yikes that one sure is intense!!!!! I am sticking to the shred also!!!
hmm sounds very interesting. I was hoping to join a good gym when we moved but moving expenses pretty much nixed that idea.
Keep us posted on how it works for you!
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