I know, I know....it's been awhile since I've updated on my journey. I'm tellin' ya...I knew this would be a tough road, but I didn't expect it to take this long for as hard as I've worked for it. I think it's God's way of telling me I really DO have to stick it out if I want this to be a lifestyle change. It doesn't come for free.
As you all know, I started working out with Jillian Michael's The Shred last week to replaced my cancelled gym membership:
Today marks DAY 8 of my 30 days. The first week was actually a breeze. Level 1 was probably too easy for me but it was comfortable/fun and got my heart rate up. I looked forward to getting up every morning this week. Today, I stepped up it up. Level 2 is significantly more challenging than Level 1, I was panting like crazy! But, that's a good thing right?!?
I have to tell you, as much as I've enjoyed this workout so far, it's been really frustrating that I still have not lost ANY WEIGHT. Seriously?!? I know I'm building muscle, and I know the first week's workouts were fairly easy for me, but come on! I'm not fat, but I am still pretty significantly over weight and over my target weight, I'd like to budge a little!
GRRR....right now, I need some encouragement. I will continue doing The Shred. I've committed to at least 30 days. But can y'all please share any stories about breaking through plateaus? How did you get through it? What did you have to do? Any suggestions for me? I'm desperate!
Until next week...

Weight watchers is the ONLY thing that works for us. And, it's definitely a lifestyle change instead of a diet.
UGH! The dreaded plateau-story of my life!!! But you just gotta keep on truckin'...You can do it girl, keep it up!!!
I will tell you something that is 100% true! (bold statement, I realize) but 80% of what you eat has to do with your weight loss. Yes, you have to sweat and I mean SWEAT to lose weight but that means you have to watch what you eat. Really cut back on the bad stuff. Use a journal...a simple notepad will do and write down everything you eat for one week (even that little handful of nuts). You will be amazed! It's hard but very rewarding. And like I always love to say: "Nothing tastes as good as thin feels!" (I'm sick, I know).
I am on WW too...and if you check my other blog metabolism blues dot blog spot dot com I have some food ideas, maybe some encouragement and a couple of yummy recipes. Don't give up. Give your body some time to adjust.
Have you used a calorie counter? I went down to 1200 calories a day (unless I work out and then I can add in the calories I burn in good food). I think that really helped me at the beginning. I lost 5 pounds that first week but I have been steadily losing a pound a week. I use MyFitnessPal.com to count my calories and I really like it! Try it for one week and see if it works for you. I try and eat the same thing everyday for Breakfast and Lunch to make it easy. I eat Oatmeal with a 1/2 cup of blueberries. For lunch I either make a Vanilla Protein Shake with fruit or have some kind of leftovers. For snacks I eat Yogurt covered raisans, fruits and veggies. I allow myself to have the occasional sweet like tonight I am making monkey bread and I will enjoy a piece (or 2). Hope that helps!
SOOO sorry about clogging up this post with the same comment over and over! It kept telling me it wasn't going through!!! Please forgive me!!!
I counted calories on my fitnesspal and lost 23 pounds. I think all it really showed me was how many calories I consumed and I cutt all the crap out and it fell off!
Your goign to do great, remember that you are in control of everything. what you eat, how much you exersize and dont let it stress you out. Stres holds on to weight Iv heard!
Bless you!
Stopping by from SITS and wishing you a great day :)
Hi there! I have no great tips to offer you since I'm lousy at weight loss programs. I'm hoping to change that after I have my baby in April! Great job on exercising at least. That's one thing I'm really terible at!
Just found your blog and I'm in the same spot you are in. Exercising and not losing much of anything. I like some of the WW recipes, and cutting out sugar, fast food, and soda work for me to drop pounds. Have you tried the Physique 57 workouts? I love them! I would love to have you check out my blog - http://saccofamily90.blogspot.com
Good luck!
Have you heard of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle? I use a modified version of that and it works. You eat all the time!
I went on a drastic diet to reach my goal and then have learned to maintain it! I don't use sugar, I don't drink juice or soda and I eat at least 2 apples a day. When I hit a plateau I eat less calories that day and work out a little harder.
I have been curious about the Jillian workout.
I have lost 40 pounds since november...its pretty amazing how awesome I feel!
I feel its a numbers game..which sucks but if you are having stress right now it may be the reason...stress sucks! I am praying for you all and hoping your day is happy today ;) ~Jen~
Hang in there! I think it has to be a combinaton of diet and exercise and a realization that it has to be a lifestyle, not just a temporary thing. Easy to say, harder to do (at least for me). I'm trying to train for a 1/2 marathon that my nephew challenged me to and I've never been a runner. Can't imagine that I'm actually going to be able to do it, but I figure if I just keep running it can't hurt even if I don't end up doing the marathon. Have a good day...
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