Hello, I'm Vee. And I'm the queen of procrastination:
Am I the only one?
This is one of those times that procrastination has really kicked me in the butt.
The hubs and I tried to make a lot of changes last week to cut our costs after losing an income last month. It's proved to be very challenging, because we simply just aren't making enough anymore to cover our bills, let alone extra expenses. So, I sat down and finally decided to make a few phone calls I had been putting off...
Let me start by saying I hate talking on the phone. But I especially hate talking on the phone to companies. I hate the confrontation, I hate the waiting and automated garbage (90% of the time, I need to talk to a representative anyway, why put me through all that!?!?), I hate the people you can't understand on the phone cause they don't speak clear English, I hate arguing with people who are rude aren't willing to help you.....am I alone in this? Who looks forward to making these phone calls?!?
Well, these phone calls give me anxiety. I sweat, I stutter, my knee starts going like crazy, half the time I end up in tears on the other end....I avoid these phone calls like the plague.
Well, they needed to be made. We made the decision to try and call some of our student loan companies and our one credit card company to see if there were any temporary arrangements we could set up during this difficult financial period in our family. UGH. Last week, I got a hold of one student loan company and they reduced my monthly payment by $200!! And it was the easiest phone call ever, the woman was very helpful and sweet. You'd think this would make the rest of the phone calls easier, but no. So here goes....
I realize now how silly I was. I made 3 phone calls and ended saving myself HUNDREDS of dollars a month, just by asking. What I learned is that as long as you're willing to work with them, and pay something, they're usually pretty willing to work with you in return. If I made the phone call to my credit card company months ago when we started having trouble paying it....I would have saved myself hundreds of dollars. It makes me sick to my stomach.
But, you live, you learn. Then get Luvs. (Oh, wait...wrong saying)...
I'm thankful those phone calls are behind me, and praise God they've freed up some money in our budget to eat this month! HA I'm writing this in hopes to encourage you to make these phone calls as well if you've been putting them off. It never hurts to ask. The worst they could do is say no. If you put it off, be warned:
Procrastination is Expensive.

I HATE those automated machines as well. Every time they say "please tell us what you are calling about," I say "I NEED to speak with a representative." And then the machine goes, "okay, I understand you want to speak with representative, can you tell us the topic you are calling about," and then I repeat myself again... and then, FINALLY, it says "transferring."
So frustrating.
But hey, that's awesome to hear that you were able to lower your monthly dues!
great post. I can so relate to what you said about the phone calls etc. I make my husband do it. I'm a wuss, I know.
I Love your blog design. Thanks so much for stopping by and commenting on my blog.
BTW the more I see the Sherlock Holmes trailer, the more I want to watch it myself. ;)
Glad you finally made those calls! My husband takes care of all that stuff. He is really into the whole money thing like financial planning, retirement, investing and unfortunately calling those we have loans with to make temporary arrangements. But he has the same experience as you! Well, for the most part... there was one company that was beyond rude. Anyway, glad you are saving some money now and I hope your financial situation improves quickly!!
Good for you! I hate making those phone calls and I'm glad I'm not the only one that ends in tears...I take things so personally!
Praise the Lord!! :) I will admit here and now I used to be one of the customer service people you talked to. Not for credit cards but for your insurance. Judge me. Go ahead. Just don't hate me, I was one of the nice ones. And you are absolutely right. If you go in with the mindset that you're not angry and that it doesn't hurt to ask they are usually more helpful than you initially gave them credit for. Sometimes there's nothing that can be done - but letting a company know the situation is sometimes all you can do. I'm still praying for you guys!
Vee, I am just like you with making those calls. I even have a hard time making phone calls to friends. But companies and doc offices are my nemesis! But even so, you are right, they are very willing to work with you. And yeah, eating is good.
Hooray Vee! I am so glad you have been able to find some relief from this cash crunch. I have been in your situation, and it is very scary. Please keep your chin up! You are doing all of the right things. You will make it through this!
The good news, though, is that you're on the right track, correctamundo? SITS sent me by, and I'm glad they did!
Sleeping Beauty...Part Deux
I'm definitely the same way, Vee!
Ya I'd say it is!!! But I am so with ya on making phone calls, I hate it! I get so frustrated pushing buttons, talking to computers before I actually get a human being and then the human doesn't even speak my language!
I paid way to much for car insurance for many years and a few years ago we switched to Gieco and seriously saved hundreds..haha! I mean seriously saved like 100 a month!
I am right with you on the procrastination thing. Somehow I seem to have time to blog but no time for taking care of the important phone calls and appointments that need to happen....hmmm...
Great post though and so very true!
Good job girl!
Cute blog. I stopped by from the SITS site of the day and looked through. I have been begging my bf to make these phone calls but he's still in the "my bed, I have to sleep in it" stage. Its so frustrating. Congrats on saving money!!
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