Maybe when I'm a blogging veteran, blogger awards won't take over my posts. But for now, in my giddy school girl excitement, I am proud to display my awards...this is only my second:
1. Thank then link to the person that gave you the award
2. Pass this award on to 15 bloggers you've recently discovered & whom you think are fantastic
3. Contact said Blogs to let them know they've won
4. State 7 Things about yourself!
In no particular order.....
13. The Coffee Spot
Okay, and now 7 things about myself:
1. I was slimed on Nickelodeon when I was 8.
2. I tend to use 12 words where 2 will do.
3. I heart Gerard Butler.
4. Singing is my passion, scrapbooking is my hobby.
5. I pick my wedgies when no one is looking. Or maybe when people are looking. You can't just leave it there.
6. Anyone who knows me know that I HATE fish. Due to a series of unfortunate events in my childhood, I have a very irrational phobia of them...or anything that lives in the water. I'm actually much better than I used to be.
7. I can beat box. I learned vocal percussion out of necessity when I traveled in an all girl's Acappella group. I likely won't do it for you if you ask, but I promise I can!

Thanks for thinking of me!!
You're so sweet :) Thank you!
I think it's awesome that you were in an Acapella group! I almost auditioned for one in college, but they were AMAZING and I was intimidated.
OH my goodness, thankyou so much. This is my first award and I have been wanting one so bad and I LOVE it! Yiipie!
Thank you so much! I have returned the favor (even though I don't think you have to do it again!)
Thank you so much! I'm so glad that you found me because I absolutely love your blog ... hopefully I will be a better commenter!
When I was little I always wanted to be slimed!!! I'm so jealous HAHA!
Aww! Thanks so much!! I will definitely post that when I find some time to breath! Have a great rest of the week!!
Congrats on the award! I totally want to hear you beat box and could you do a post on how you were slimed? That used to be my dream when I was younger!!! How cool!
WOW VEE! thanks so much! how sweet, I love finding out about the King residence so thanks for the shout out! I love your 7 things. Would you believe I am TERRIFIED of the sea and its creatures? but I will eat any of them...cuz I like to dominate I guess. I feel for you girl!
I never win anything or get picked for anything! I was so touched! Thank you Vee!
Thanks for the award!!!
You were cool are you!!!
I also ♥ Gerard, oh my gosh..yummy!
You got slimed! hahahaha! fun. was it as disgusting as it looked??? I think we all pick the wedgies. They just don't feel right.
Wow! Thank you!! :) Yay!!
You were slimed! That's a cool accomplishment!! I never would have guessed the last one! :)
Yeah! woot woot! Thank you so much! I talk a lot...too much one I probably shouldn't be saying anything...
And the wedgie thing, well, I feel ya, sister. I don't want people staring at it and whispering about it. Like I sometimes do. ::cringe::
Hi Vee! Thank you so much for the award - it's my first official blog award!! You're right, I've been out of commission for a real reason, I guess I haven't had anything really blog-worthy - until now of course! You are very sweet, thanks again!
Congratulations on the Award. It's always so nice when someone takes the time to think of you.
I am so totally with you for #2, 3 and the first half of #4. I'd probably scrapbook too but can't find time... well I could.. I'd just rather read. ;)
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