1. As most of you know, I lost an income at the beginning of the year when I quit my job. The hubs and I started Dave Ramsey's Financial Peace University, which has been wonderful. HOWEVER, even though the last few weeks have been the most frugal of our lives, we still just can't cut it on what we make - it doesn't even cover bills right now. So my specific prayer is that God will provide us an opportunity to earn some extra income without having to sacrifice family (it's very hard when we only see each other for a few hours a few nights a week). I am going to put out some applications this week, I've been looking for anything and everything that I can sell in my house, we're talking about the hubs trying to work evenings a few nights a week so we don't have to pay the sitter while I'm teaching. It causes a lot of stress. There's no way around it...we can't just save money at this point. We have to make more money.
2. Tonight, I ask specific prayers for our dear friends. They're facing losing a job tonight as well, and I know they are worried about what the future holds. Ironically, this decision about his job effects our financial life as well (I won't give you the details, just know it's complicated). Through all this, we want to pray only that God's will is done.
Just knowing that people are praying gives you a certain amount of peace. So thank you.

Good luck girl! What are you teaching??? God is great and you all will get through this together...as a family!
You got it!
I completely relate to #1, and will keep you in prayer. Let us know how things pan out...
Vee .. 8 years ago I felt a calling to quit my legal career to come home to care of my family full time. We lost half of our income, and nowhere near half of our expenses, when we took that leap of faith. On paper we were going to be deficient $800 a month.
In a two year period, not only did we never bounce one check or fail to pay one bill, but we paid of about $30,000 in debt.
When God is in it, you will not fail!
I will be praying specifically for you and your family. Just because you will be fine doesn't mean it will be easy or stress free.
God bless you!
I most certainly will put you at the top of my prayer list. Just know that everything will work out for you and your family. Focus on what you want the outcome to be and it will come! This coupled with prayers...you got in the bag, girl! I promise!
Praying for you!
It's a scary time right now, and you are your family are in my thoughts and prayers.
Just prayed for you all. I was where you are a few years ago and I had a few months where I questioned everything...why is God doing this to me? My husband was in real estate and 3 years ago things got bad, we had just adopted a baby and emptied all our savings, and then we just found out we were pregnant again...I want you to know that if you believe in God all will work out in the end. We sold our home and moved into an apt for 18 months to get back on our feet, with lots of praying and life changes we made it through and I have faith you will too. I didn't want to put my kids in daycare so we had to sacrifice certain luxuries for it to work, I sold some things on craigslist and ebay and had to take my daughter out of preschool and I homeschooled...be strong and I will keep you in my thoughts.
I will pray right now!
Praying for you! I wish I could help. I understand this situation all-too-well and I can tell you from experience that God is working. Cast your cares and concerns on Him. We dealt with the same situation about a year ago and God as blessed us. Please keep us updated!
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