A new blogger friend, over at One Brownie at a time, gave me this sweet award today! If you haven't checked out her blog, you should. It's the I can't come up with anything to write about so I write about everything Versatile Blogger award!

Okay, this is how it works: I tell you a few things about myself and award some new blogs I'm following.
7 new things about me? I don't know if I can come up with that many.
1. I have anxiety about being late. I HATE it. It's one a few things that can really get my temper going, and my heart rate up. Needless to say, I have kids, so I'm anxious a lot.
2. I have a few nicknames I go by (Vee, Veron) but it makes me so mad when people call me Ronnie, or Virginia, or worse, Victoria. All of these names are associated with people in my childhood I didn't like.
3. I am not an animal lover. I love little baby kittens, puppies, etc. but overall, I just don't really like animals. They make me nervous. If that makes me a horrible person in your eyes, I apologize.
4. My past occupations have included: Sandwich artist, photography framer, waitress, dish washer, babysitter, singer, performer, bartender, preschool teacher, and child center worker.
5. I can do vocal percussion. That right, I can beat box. I learned it when I was in an all-girl's Acappella group, and got pretty decent at it. I likely won't do it for you if you ask me to, but I promise I can.
6. I absolutely DESPISE the scent 'Love Spell' by Victoria Secret. It makes me sick to my stomach, and smells like literal vomit to me.
7. My favorite evening involves putting the kids to bed, curling up with the hubs with a snack, my cozy blanket, and watching Friends.
There ya have it. I can't even remember if they are things I've shared on this blog before. And I'm too lazy to cross check it right now.
Now, I will pass on the nominations:
Check these ladies out!