It started this morning. A sweet friend gifted me a compilation of CDs she's been collecting for me that she thought I would enjoy or connect with. One was Steven Curtis Chapman's "Beauty Will Rise." I knew the backstory already - the album was made out of the tragedy of losing his 5 year old daughter when her older brother hit her with his vehicle. Unthinkable. I knew the songs would be relatable but I honestly, obliviously, did not expect the emotion it evoked in me. The very first song literally had me sobbing with tears so big I couldn't see where I was going. It articulated Heaven for me in a way I'd been unable to do and it was breathtaking. And heartbreaking.
But it wasn't just that. It's been a tough week without you. We drove up to your parents tonight and it was a long, hard trip. Carter was screaming and there was nothing I could do: he was fed, changed, and extremely tired. At one point, I think all 4 of us were in tears. I was calling out to God. I didn't sign up for this. I don't know how much longer I can keep this up on my own, some moments are so overwhelming. I was crying out for you, to you. I just can't believe how much this still hurts. I feel like all I ever do when I sit down to write you at night is lament, and I want to move forward, but it's just not getting any easier. My heart is still so shattered. I must have worried Faith, because I heard her quietly crying in between my sobs. I asked her if she was crying for me or for you, and she said she was sad for me. We held hands for awhile and I asked her to just keep praying for Mommy. Pray that I can be the best Mommy possible, that my heart will heal, and that our family will always stick together.
I don't know what else to do. I miss you so much it's killing me inside a little more every day. It just takes so much out of me to keep up with the life that used to take two of us to handle.
I cried because I miss you.
I cried for the kids.
I cried out of jealousy for all the people that still have what I've lost.
I cried for my brother, I really miss him terribly too.
I cried for everything you're missing.
I cried out longing to be with you.
I guess I just needed a good cry. There's something cleansing about it, no matter how it hurts to let out. I just wish I felt some sort of resolution at the end of it. But no - still just emptiness where you belong.
I'm looking forward to spending the weekend with your family. They always restore my soul and connect me with parts of my heart that are left behind here. I wish I could just wrap them all up in a big giant hug and protect them from the pain of losing you.
I miss you baby, so much.
I love you always and forever.

Hi Vee, I am Sarah and new to your blog. Sadly we have the being young widows in common. I lost my husband in July after a year and a half cancer battle. I am so sorry for your loss.
I know our stories are different but it's makes me feel less alone to read your blog.
Vee, have you had any grief counseling? If you haven't, have you considered it? It might be something worthwhile for you and the kids. It sounds like Faith is taking on a lot of responsibility for your grief. I am worried about all of you.
praying for you.
adding a few of my tears to yours as I read this. I get that moment of you losing it in the car- even though you def. have more kids than i do! to grieve and mother at the same time is so, so difficult. we've got to let ourselves have moments like those and then recover...rooting for you quietly on the side....
I'm sorry it's so hard for you and I wish there was something to make things easier. And I'm sorry little Faith also must bear this burden. It's unthinkable. I wish I lived near you to come over and help with the kids and take some of the stress away. I hope the cry helped a little.
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